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 Files > URC Graphical Series > Systems > Contest (Details)
File Details & Download

Designed for:
URC Complete Control MX-3000
Submitted by:
Noel Blackman
Show author's email address.
File Rating:
100% (2 votes)
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Contest Entry # 5: Black & Blue
Second Place Winner!
This template was specifically designed to be easy to use while keeping an intuitive, easy to understand layout. The most common functions are on the main page and the template will walk you to the next step. The design can be easily reconfigured to suit just about anyone's equipment.

It also features a battery meter on every source page with charging confirmation and shortcuts to the most commonly used pages for each device. All device pages have a direct shortcut to the source select page, this keeps almost every page only two button pushes away.

If you have a first generation MX3000 with 32MB of memory, there should be plenty of memory space on the remote for Bracken's DMX3000 (DVD changer software) and over 400 DVD covers.
Updated:June 17, 2005
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