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 Files > URC Graphical Series > Systems > Normal >
There are 55 Normal System Files.
Displaying files 41 through 50 on page 5 of 6.
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For: URC MX-980
By: Pavel Breder
Pavel Breder's MX-980
Just put together a RCF file for my system. Use of variables for the Motorola cable box and JVC DVD Changer to keep track of ON/OFF since both lack discrete ON/OFF. Manual toggles included on page 2 of main menu when out of sync. Since this is my first programing using this particular remote, some sections are not exactly perfect. Let me know what you think.
Updated: April 16, 2008  Size: 252kb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Peter Lank
Peter Lank's Home Theater
A complete system setup for the following devices.
Updated: December 25, 2004  Size: 817kb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Richard Bordon
Richard Bordon's MX-3000
A complete system RCC file with the following components.
Updated: December 24, 2004  Size: 250kb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Rick Kasanic
Rick Kasanic's System
System contains all three of the Panasonic DMR-E codes with discrete on-off buttons and two pages for titling timer functions and programs that will work on all of the Panasonic DMR-E machines. EDV file has discrete on-off that will work on any Sony Beta Machine or VHS machine using code #1.
Updated: May 01, 2007  Size: 6.48mb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Rob Semlitsch
Rob Semlitsch's Sample RCC Setup
A sample Home Theater Master MX-3000 RCC system confgiration file for MX-3000 Editor.
Updated: July 29, 2004  Size: 304kb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Ron
Ron's MX3000 Layout
OK, be kind---this is my first try and just wanted to get it working before my wife laughs too much. Digitized some of the remote's buttons and used some from this site as well. Still working out some bugs (discrete codes would help), but at least my 12 year old can operate everything. Gonna customize it when I have time.
Updated: April 04, 2005  Size: 661kb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Ryan Berg
Ryan Berg's System Layout
A complete system RCC setup for the following components.
Updated: September 29, 2004  Size: 2.32mb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Sam Cohen
Sam Cohen's RCC System
This is a complete system set up for the listed devices. It includes a list of movies and the ability to choose one from a picture and have that movie load. This was done as a manual process but it works fine.
Updated: October 09, 2004  Size: 1.83mb

For: URC MX-980
By: Sean D'Auria
Sean D'Auria's MX-980
A complete system file for my MX-980 remote control.
Updated: February 04, 2009  Size: 1.28mb

For: URC MX-3000
By: Shawn Jackson
Shawn Jackson's River Paradise
A river house with surround sound system and whole house audio.
Updated: July 13, 2006  Size: 475kb
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