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Designed for:
URC Complete Control MX-3000
Submitted by:
Matthew Chartier
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Whole House Russound
Here is my first attempt at the MX-3000. Controls my Russound Cav system and the two TVs that I have now. Already programmed in variables and macros for the other rooms for when TVs go in there. There are quite a few pages of macros and variables used to keep track of what is on, what source is being used and also which room you're in. Tried to keep all user screens to have the features used most and the ability to switch sources without having to go to the main screen. Most functions are in the exact spot in each screen to keep a familiar feeling for the user. This is based off of the Gravity template.

Components in this system:
A/V Controller:Russound CAV6.6
Cable:Motorola DCT6208
DVD:Toshiba SD3980SC
Television 1:HP LC3760N
Television 2:Polaroid TTM-2401
Updated:May 07, 2007
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