Your Universal Remote Control Center
The Great ProntoPro NG PCF Design Contest
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The Great Philips ProntoPro NG PCF Design Contest

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#16: Mostly Chrome
I like chrome so most of the layouts are that. For the CD I used a copper layout. For the Tuner and DV Cam I used transparency. From the Home page, short transaction animations are used.

On the Devices page you will find more stuff including the VCR and the DV Cam. I like my 5.1 speaker balance page which you can get to from most devices by pressing the 4-speaker button. You just select the speaker you want to adjust and use the left or right arrow keys. If you click the "RECEIVER SETTINGS" button you'll get to a page where I was experimenting with nature buttons. Looks like it could use some cloud buttons!

Author: Ralph Martinez
File Size: 1.89mb

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You'll need Philips' ProntoProEdit NG software package to view this file. Use the built-in "ProntoPro NG Emulator" to see exactly how an entry will look and operate on the actual remote!

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