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Using Variables with MX-950
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Post 1 made on Saturday December 16, 2006 at 21:08
Long Time Member
November 2006
Say i have two variables, 1 and 0. When i hit that button once, it triggers it to state 1. Then i hit it again it triggers to state 0? Is that correct? What happend if i hit the button but he IR signal does not reach. I'm a little confused on how this works?
OP | Post 2 made on Saturday December 16, 2006 at 21:11
Long Time Member
November 2006
you know what would be real nice, say you had a bunch of devices and you wanted to power them all off. What would be nice is one button power all off command. So you can pick and choose which devices to power off by inserting the command. The signal will check the status of the devices. if its on turn it off. If its off bypass.
Post 3 made on Saturday December 16, 2006 at 21:24
Super Member
October 2005
How would it "check the status of the device"? It cannot tell whether the device is on or off because the device sends no signal back to the remote.
Post 4 made on Saturday December 16, 2006 at 21:47
Founding Member
March 2002
You can easily program this. First, if your equipment has discrete codes use them. But, let's use an example of a TV that doesn't use discrete codes for power.

You create Two buttons on a hidden page of your TV device. Label one button "TV On" and the other "TV Off".

Make each button variable under 'type'. Under variable use the pulldown and select new variable. Type in "TV Power". Once you have done this then set the variable with the pulldown to "TV Power" for each button. You'll only have to create the new variable once.

If you notice when you selected variable as the type of macro two small tabs appeared above it that state variable=0 and variable=1. This is the macro you want to execute depending variable "TV Power" is set to 0 or 1.

Let's say when the status is 0 the TV Power is off and when the status is 1 the TV Power is on.

If we are trying to turn on the system and have the "TV On" button in our macro either the variable=0 or variable=1 commands will be issued. For example.

Variable=0 macro might be:
Power (power code for TV)
Delay 5 seconds
Set variable "TV Power" to 1 (Since TV will now be on)

Variable=1 might not need anything as the TV would already be on.

Now let's reverse it for the "TV Off" button which would be called in our system off macro.

Variable=0 might not need anything as the TV is already off

Variable=1 macro might be
Power (Power code for TV)
Set variable "TV Power" to 0 (Since TV will now be off)

You will have to create these on and off buttons for every device that doesn't have discrete codes. But then all you need to do is program the sequences for on and off on the watch page and then punch them through to every device.

I hope I didn't make this too confusing.

Post 5 made on Monday December 18, 2006 at 00:45
Dave E
Long Time Member
September 2005
As GaRder45 stated, if the IR or RF does not go through then the variable changes state but the device does not. Then you have a problem. Using the new MSC-400 would solve this problem because it has video and voltage sensors that know if a device is on or off. You can use IF/ELSE statements to say, "If it is on, turn it off, else, do nothing". That would seem to be a fairly bullet proof solution. Variables will work perfectly if everything else works perfectly. In my world, Murphy’s Law follows me around like a shadow.
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