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Post 3 made on Saturday December 28, 2002 at 17:11
Ultimate Member
May 2001
Syzygy: I don't think he is saying you have to buy directly from harmony. Actually he is saying somewhat the opposite

Please Buy from reputable Dealers

We have our own web store for selling Harmony Remotes as do many of the reputable Internet retailers that advertise on Remote Central.

I think all he is saying is

1) buyer beware, know what you are getting into

We have our own web store for selling Harmony Remotes as do many of the reputable Internet retailers that advertise on Remote Central.

many reviews on this forum (and others) that can be a source for reviewing which retailer is right for a respective buyer.

2) if you don't get it from them, they cannot help with dealer problems

I don't have control over the merchandise return policy of any retailer. If a customer doesn't buy it from me I don't have the money to refund.


If you're selling for full price, and the internet retailer is offering 10% off, or more, I might be tempted to save the money.

many of the advertisers on this site have the Harmony at less then full price.


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