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Post 1 made on Thursday December 19, 2002 at 09:40
J. E. Ballard
Long Time Member
December 2002

Have now had the new ST768 for just under a week, and have been having problems getting certain devices to use the number keys. Here in the UK we have a text information system transmitted in the unused frames of a TV signal it’s called Teletext. It’s accessed by tapping in a three digit page number. I can use the scroll wheel to enter the numbers so the remote knows it’s learned them, however the number pad doesn’t work. We also have VideoPlus+ (I think you might call it VCRPlus) that allows you to program the video using numbers printed in the TV guides, again I can use the scroll wheel but the numbers don’t work.

One other irritating thing is that the Web setup has no way of telling the remote that a “Watch Video” activity can use the channel up/down on the VCR itself. I’ve set a HiFi Watch TV activity that, because it’s based around the TV wizard allows you to specify which device to use for changing channels. If you use the VCR wizard you get no choice.

Anybody any thoughts?


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