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Post 19 made on Sunday March 2, 2008 at 19:48
Long Time Member
January 2008
O.k. I'll throw something else in the mix.........I tried watch TV activity AGAIN, and it turned on the DVR, but not the button did not do anything. Just for fun, went to the device, and tried the PowerOn button for the TV, and that didn't work, even though it is configured that way, AND, both PowerOn and PowerOff worked yesterday before fixing the configiration that I told you was wrong. So, I tried the Toggle button(what the hell, right?), and it turned the TV on. Now I realize ny Tv supports both methods, but then I used the toggle to power it back off. After that(and I sure can't tell you why) I tried the PowerOn and PowerOf buttons in the device, and they both worked! Still can't get the TV to come on with watch TV activity though............
Oh yeah, for whatever it's worth, if I turn the tv on with the oem remote after all this c**p, and go to current activity(watch tv), and press the off button, the tv and dvr both go of, as they should. This just seems sporadic to me.

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