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Post 17 made on Sunday February 22, 2004 at 01:59
Founding Member
December 2001

back to avdude's dilemma... I too have ranted about the kind of business practices he describes and been greeted with a lot of very good advice (Springs... very nice points you make).

Being sort of a country f--k, I like my analogistic stories... so here goes.

Picture a big long lake... full of fish... fishin' is real good. Lots of boaters fish here. They know the waters... know the fish and generally keep out of other boaters way. Every once in a while they compete for a fish but things are ok. They all respect their lake and do nothing to pollute it... they want to keep those fish multiplying and growing so they can keep their families fed.

New boaters find out about the lake and start launching in greater numbers. the waters get more crowded... more boaters are after the same fish but its still ok.

Soon a new breed of boater comes to the lake. He pisses and s--ts in the water and dumps excess oil overboard. Healthy fish begin to get sick and die off or don't grow. Some boaters get mighty upset and call bs on this unwanted intrusion. There ought to be a law against the kind of pollution these guys are making but there ain't.

Down at the south side of the lake are the biggest fish... only a select few boaters are good enough to fish here. Boaters from the north come down once in a while but realize they are in over their heads and start back north again. The northenders notice more and more boats being launched that are dripping oil and they watch more and more people pollute, piss and s--t in the lake. They call out to the boaters on the south side and alert them of the pollution up north but these southside boaters, who basically have blinders on and say "Hey the fishin' is great down here just fish this way and you'll keep catching good fish.

The lake keeps getting more and more polluted... the fish are dying and getting smaller. One day someone in the south finds a few of these diseased fish and throws them back... still not worried that the disease these fish have is spreading even to their prized big ones.

We all know how this story will end if the redneck f--ks are allowed to keep polluting the lake. We end up with a dead cesspool that once used to be a thriving body of water... the southerners... the ones with the blinders on are the ones who will really be saying what the f--k just happened because they didn't give any concern to what was happening away from their thriving waters that were unfortunately still connected to the increasingly polluted ones.

AVdude... I share your pain and we all should before these assholes really do kill our industry (our lake). Get your proverbial heads out of the sand. Instead of "throwing the fish back" get on the horn to your manufacturers and let them know whose f----g up the lake so they can help you send the bastards somewhere else... maybe to a landfill like the used car industry.

The diseases our "fish" are carrying (internetshopinosis, brain-pick-no-pay-itis, cantseevaluemania and you-don't-have-a-storefront-like-Circuit-City-phobia WILL spread to your prize fish... you heard it here first on rhm9's country f--k analogy hour. Don't just let me say told ya so. Be like avdude and try to do something about this crap... Or you can just fish away with your backs to the bad waters until the sludge and the dead fish roll right under your boat!

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