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Post 16 made on Monday September 20, 2004 at 10:44
Stew Pidasso
Long Time Member
September 2003
What we use depends on the budget and type of installation. For instance, if someone has the money, and doesn't mind spending it, I like Ultralink, Tributaries, AR, and several others. The one that I absolutely refuse to use is Monster. In my experience, he failure rate is outrageous. I think that Monster is the worst value out there. If I work on a job that already has Monster Cables, I refuse to put them in. I get a lot of jobs from frustrated clients who have spent a lot of money with other installers and are tired of the problems, so they call us in to fix it right. The first thing I do is throw out the Monster Cables. If they want to keep them, I won't guarantee the work. I often find that inexperienced installers use them (people that are installing on the side, but really work retail). The workmanship from these inexperienced installers is usually messy and the cables are unreliable. I have had more defective Monster Cables than any other brand, including the free ones that come with the equipment. I think that the name Monster is like Bose-- everyone asks about them, but name brand recognition is no substitue for quality. They spend all of their budget on hype and packaging instead of a quality product.

I know that several of you like Monster, and I will probably get a lot of flack for my coments. These coments are based on my many years of experience and my engineering background. I'm not saying that the Monster brand doesn't transfer good sound or a good picture, my concern is with reliability. It bothers me that the price is high and the reliability is not. I believe that most premium brand cables will produce a picture and sound as good as any Monster brand cable. I think that a lot of people are brainwashed by their three-hour "class".

Okay, Monster class alumni, you can give me hell now.

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