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Post 236 made on Tuesday February 3, 2009 at 19:42
Super Member
January 2002
Other than a few short early comments boy am I glad I resisted staying out of this thread. When I read some (many?) of the posts in this thread what bothers me is what I perceive to be a complete and total focus on ones self-interest to the exclusion of all others. I see it as the equivalent of those who insist music should be free and that downloading (STEALING) music is not wrong. And what's the flip-side? Draconian DRM schemes that reveal contempt for the consumer. Where is the middle ground? That's NOT a rhetorical question. Surely there is an intelligent middle ground between "the customer deserves nothing but a delivered working system" and "the customer always deserves all the code without restriction".

Kudos to those who have posted that see a middle ground here and I am especially glad to see this issue finally being brought to the light of day. Julie is doing us a *favor* by bringing attention to the issue. Those who think it is in our best interest to continue the status quo are IMO not seeing the whole picture.

BTW, IMO 90% of us who are concerned about out code are "legends in our own minds". No one wants to steal our code! Nevertheless I understand the concern and there are no doubt a few exceptions.

Last edited by QQQ on February 3, 2009 19:55.

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