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Post 234 made on Tuesday February 3, 2009 at 19:30
Long Time Member
September 2004
Julie, I bet you never expected this thread to take on such a "lively" tone! LOL.

I have stated my opinion on the matter previously, and I have been watching this thread with great anticipation for each new post.

I now have a few things to say. I come here to learn, and chat, just like the rest of you. I have much respect for the people here. All of them. In several of the last posts, there have been some unkind remarks about some of us, by others of us. I say "us", because we are all in this together. Our opinions and knowledge matter to all of us.

I think some of the posts directed at Alan, while maybe true, to a degree, have been pretty hostile. I also think that the posting of "Private Messages" is in poor taste. It's called a Private Message, because it is just that. Let's remember that this is a public forum after all, and if you want to say anything that is inflammatory, or degrading, keep it off the public part. It doesn't do any good for any of us to get so angry that we lose our sense of reason. There is no reason to lose friendships, be they virtual or real, over any of this stuff!

Now.....we have heard from business owners, programmers, end users, some contract experts, and some legal expersts, and publishers. What's missing? Oh yes, now I see.....what's missing is any "Official" remarks from the owner's of the software in question. Has anyone contacted AMX or Crestron, or Universal Remote Control, or RTI and asked them these questions? I guess not. Even I am guilty of this. I have stated my opinion, and eagerly read all other's opinions. But no one has reached out to the manufacturer's for their input.

I am emailing URC tonite, and pointing to this thread. I will ask them to weigh in on the matter either on this forum, or in an email to me, which will be published here by me as soon as I recieve it. (I will state in my email to URC that any answers are going to be published on this thread.)

I would like to think that all of us are willing to learn the truth. If we learn we are wrong, I would like to think that we are able and willing to change. And I would like to think that if we learn we are right, we can be not smug, but humble.

This is a forum for "us", and by "us". Let's not forget though, that the public is allowed here, and fighting and just plain nastiness doesn't paint any of us in a good light. Our industry is changing...our business models might have to change too. But our sense of commradery, and our sense of humor must never change.

I hope I haven't bored any of you.

It's always something.....sigh.

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