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Post 236 made on Sunday July 31, 2016 at 14:06
Dean Roddey
Senior Member
May 2004
On July 31, 2016 at 11:42, Bonavox said...
If he intended it to fail so this country would fall into a socialist state with the government dictating to it's people their choices, well, that's not the future for America I'm interested in.

I'm not fan of any of them, but that's just so over the top that I can't believe any sane person would make such an argument. I'm sure that this sort of thing happens just as much the other way around, but I just happened to see this one as I was scanning and it's just mind boggling to me. We have to worry about socialism in this country as we do about alien invasion. And I have no problem with that, since I run a business.

If this is what the 'political debate' has become in this country, then THAT is what is most likely going to destroy us long term, where so many people just end on one far side or the other screaming incoherent conspiracy theories and making it very difficult for any sort of compromises to be carried out in our government because every decision is turned into an end of the world slippery slope doomsday device that only people who are enemies of the state would give an inch on.

It's just crazy, man. All of you should just take a Xanax and maybe consider that someone who disagrees with you is not evil, they just disagree with you.
Dean Roddey
Chairman/CTO, Charmed Quark Systems

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