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Post 67 made on Tuesday December 24, 2013 at 08:07
Super Member
January 2007
Jay/G. Paul,

We have an issue with a Snap DVR and a Savant system as well. Our problem is the stream will eventually stop displaying real time within Savant's app. We have a project with a doorbell trigger that switches the in-wall iPads to the front door and gate cameras. The homeowner has noticed the stream will eventually stop leaving a frozen image. It will take 5-10 mins or longer but they noticed it because when someone presses the doorbell while they aren't home all of the iPads will be displaying camera views for a long period of time. I haven't seen it in action and this hasn't been a high priority fix for us over the holidays but it is something I wanted to look into. I just assumed it was some sort of cache issue. The WPS app works fine 100% of the time and the Savant camera view will work if you leave the camera page and go back to it again.

I haven't checked our office camera DVR....

Jay, if you guys continue to grow, I don't think that model will work. Sorry! The more personalities will result in more conflicts and more resentments. We don't really bust balls regarding vacation/time off either but we ask for 2 weeks notice. I know this method is sort of self correcting because if someone isn't respectful of the schedule or does what he wants, they are likely not going to last. But as you mentioned, good installers are VERY difficult to find!
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