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Post 12 made on Thursday September 26, 2013 at 16:28
Ernie Gilman
Yes, That Ernie!
December 2001
Problem rears its head again. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!

Another client, to whom I supplied one of these in May 2012 (exactly a year before the other guy above), was not interested in network connection until recently. I was out of the country, so he had his IT person come over a week ago and set him up with Netflix, which took a bunch of time, probably involving updates. All was well until last night, when they were watching Netflix and the player stopped responding to all remote and front panel displays.

He called Netflix, who turned him over to LG, who ran him through everything they could think of, starting with pulling the plug, then hold down the Power button for 30 seconds. I'm going to call him in a minute and have him pull the plug for a good hour or so.

Are there any other ideas out there?

kgossen, what do you sell instead of LG?

Today's comments on earlier posts:
On October 9, 2012 at 22:45, Audiophiliac said...
The only time I had a client complain about both her LG bluray players (difference model than yours) locking up I did not believe her. I went out to the house and started farting around trying to get them to lock up. I made a startling discovery. If you had a disc in the tray, and were watching netflix, and pressed the "top menu" button, the machines got why on earth would you want to see the title menu of the DVD while you are watching "Pingu" on netflix?

I think I have an answer for that one. When you've got a DVD in and you hit Play, you get the DVD. When you're on Netflix, do you hit Play to get the movie to start? If so, then there's a precedent for hitting a button that does something different when you're operating a different part of the machine. A client could very easily want to be looking at the Netflix menu, and what the hell, there are two buttons that say menu, let's hit 'em both and see what it takes to get the menu up. Result: stuck machine.

On January 13, 2013 at 02:31, Eastside A/V said...

- Older model I installed for a customer about 18 months ago last week began not properly accessing network apps - kept saying failed to connect, tested the connection worked fine; turns out it needed a firmware update. ran the check update, downloaded update and all is well and functioning again.

Gee, I hope when you needed to connect to the internet to do the update, it would still connect to the internet! (You didn't say whether it would not connect to a website or to the internet in general.)
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