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Post 1 made on Sunday December 27, 2009 at 14:42
Lurking Member
December 2009
I am a consumer looking to install a complete home system - all the bells and whistles. I have gotten some initial feedback on a Crestron system - very pricey, and seemingly at the mercy of a programming guru in the years ahead as changes are made. I know nothing abou AMX, and have made no inquiries into this line - seems almost interchangeable w/Crestron...?

Someone put me on to the prospect of a Savant system which, as far as I can tell, may afford a more flexible and "next-generation" appeal in terms of equipment, programming ease, and interface, and maybe less expensive?

Pluses = per above.

Negatives = New company...what happens if they go broke - is the system down the drain? Salvageable?

These forums are quite helpful, but I do question "objectivity" of all, as many people are partial to a given product line based upon their vested interests.

I do need to make a decision very soon - suggestions, advice?
Post 2 made on Monday December 28, 2009 at 18:05
Super Member
January 2003
You think Crestron is pricey? Savant is even more money. Although I don't think that Savant is going anywhere because they have too much money.

If you can't afford Crestron/Savant/AMX then you might consider:

Prodigy (a new Crestron line of more affordable products)

HAI's OmniPro II system

Or, dare I say it, Control4.

You will always be at the mercy of a programming guru, no matter which system you install, unless you want to completely wreck the system by going into the programming yourself and making a mess. In fact, designing a system and its programming, at the end of the day, is more important than the actual make & model of the system itself. Some company can take cartons of, say, Crestron hardware, and if the system isn't designed and programmed properly it will be nothing more than a waste of time and money, and a complete headache. So, rather than choosing a certain manufacturer, you should be looking into the various installation companies that work in your area, checking their references, and looking at some of their past installations. Then choose.
Fins: Still Slamming' His Trunk on pilgrim's Small Weenie - One Trunk at a Time!
OP | Post 3 made on Monday December 28, 2009 at 19:59
Lurking Member
December 2009
Well said.

I guess my main concern, price aside, and all other things being equal in terms of competent programming, is whether the Savant system is legitimately more software/hardware evolved and programmer/user friendly than the rest. If it's not, then what possibly can be their niche and what's the point?

A newcomer better have something strong going for it that makes people like me turn away from the more conventional choices!
Post 4 made on Tuesday December 29, 2009 at 01:10
Super Member
January 2003
On December 28, 2009 at 19:59, Johneg said...
I guess my main concern, price aside, and all other things being equal in terms of competent programming, is whether the Savant system is legitimately more software/hardware evolved and programmer/user friendly than the rest. If it's not, then what possibly can be their niche and what's the point?

A newcomer better have something strong going for it that makes people like me turn away from the more conventional choices!

1. Savant's hardware/software is built around the extremely stable and reliable Mac OSX platform.

2. Savant's GUI has a cool-factor that's to die for.

So, there's that.
Fins: Still Slamming' His Trunk on pilgrim's Small Weenie - One Trunk at a Time!

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