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IR system & lighting for my home theater, will it works?
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Post 1 made on Wednesday November 11, 2009 at 17:22
Lurking Member
November 2009
Hi all,

I am a new member, and I think I am at the good place to find a good answer.

I would like to know if the way I am building my Home Theater is good.
I am ready to buy 3 SPACER SYSTEMS by Lutron. They will be installed behind the seats so with a universal remote, it's pretty sure the signal will not reach the dimmers. So I read [Link:] and I like the idea.

Now, what happen if for exemple I am installed in the 2nd row, and the dimmers on my left + the receiver get the signal of the remote?? Will it be a problem? because the Flasher will send the signal too.

Thanks for your help, and if you have any other suggestions to do this better, don't hesitate.


Edit : I just read the emitters is suppose to be stick on the glass of the product we need to control..... uh oh.. not possible to have a IR flasher who send the signal through a 10 feet distance??

Edit 2 : Ok, what I need is an IR flooder/blaster

Last edited by Chris{LIX} on November 11, 2009 17:40.
Post 2 made on Tuesday November 24, 2009 at 16:58
Select Member
December 2008
Why not use the native RF lighting controls from URC if you're using a URC remote? You can address them individually and no added wiring needed,

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