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How do I program the Bright/Dim button on the TM751 (light switch) ?
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Post 1 made on Tuesday March 3, 2009 at 19:57
Long Time Member
January 2007

I have 3 LM465 (lamp modules) and 1 TM751 (light switch).

I have the light switch programmed to turn each of the lamps on/off based on the button I click on the light switch, which I like.

Now, I also want the ability to program the light switch to also turn on/off ALL lights with a single button using the 4th button on the switch. The 4th button is the Bright/Dim button on the switch.

My question is -- is it possible to program the Bright/Dim button on the light switch to turn all the lights on/off as a single button? I want to keep the other buttons as individual buttons on the switch.

I'm not able to figure out how to do it and I'm looking for any advice.

Thank you,

Post 2 made on Wednesday December 23, 2009 at 18:54
Lurking Member
December 2009
Evan, I think you must mean your light switch is an SS13A NOT a TM751. A TM751 is a Transceiver , it has an antenna on it which picks up the RF waves from an X10 remote control.

The switch your describing, and reprogramming the bottom dim/bright button I don't think is possible. You could use one of these Leviton Transmitter Base with a four button keypad like this 4 Button Keypad providing you have wiring to the junction box or if you even have a junction box since you originally chose a wireless swith like the ss13A.  If you can wire in a switch like the one i suggested, you will still need to use PC control or a controller that can handle triggers and events.  IE:  when the bottom button of the keypad is pressed, that triggers an event which would turn all of the top 3 buttons on or off or whatever.

Hope that helps, there are other options of hardware to use, my suggestions was just one example.  I didnt look at loads too closely, but u should.
Kelly R. Foster
President & C.E.O.

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