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will X10 work with a powerstrip?
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Post 1 made on Monday February 9, 2004 at 14:36
Long Time Member
January 2004
I am going to use the X10 system to control some lighting as well as my fireplace. I plan to put the IR543 reciever near my television and have it control the fireplace and lighting. Do i need to plug the IR543 into the wall itself? or will work if I plug it into an open slot on the powerstrip i use with my tv, dvd player, reciever, etc. Thanks!
Post 2 made on Monday February 9, 2004 at 15:18
Active Member
March 2003
If the powerstrip is a surge protector or contains any type of noise filtration circuit, then most likely it will block the X-10 signal. If the powerstrip is simply a "recepticle multiplier" then the signal will pass through it.


This product would work in your situation.

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