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Help -remote for X-10 and discrete codes for MX-500
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Post 1 made on Wednesday January 21, 2004 at 11:03
Fish Fry
Lurking Member
March 2003
Hello all,

I'm looking to be able to control 3-4 lights in two rooms. I'd like to be able to control at least one of the rooms with my MX-500.

This going to be in an apartment building so nothing will be hard wired. I’m also slightly worried about the RF signals messing with my neighbors electronics (such as TV interference)

Obviously I need the modules that plug into the lights and I guess I need something to convert the IR signals to RF. Such as the IR543.

In order to train my MX-500 remote I’ll probably need to get another remote. I would also like to be able to add discrete codes to my MX-500 via this other remote.

Any suggestions as to which remote I should get? I want to make sure that it can teach the MX-500 discrete codes and control X-10 devices. Money is tight, so I don’t want to spend more than necessary.


Post 2 made on Wednesday January 21, 2004 at 13:24
Senior Member
September 2002
1. The IR543 converts IR to powerline signals for your X10 components, no FR involved.

2. The X10 codes are already in the MX500 database, under AUX.

3. Any cheap RadioShack or OneForAll remote is helpful, since the MX500 only has UnitCodes 1-9.

4. You can only use ONE HOUSECODE with the IR543! If you want to use more you'll need an IR543AH and a Pronto style remote.
Don't panic! with one HouseCode you can still control 16 devices.

5. For great deals look here:
OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday January 21, 2004 at 13:51
Fish Fry
Lurking Member
March 2003
Okay that helps explain some of it.

I didn't realize that X-10 worked off of IR signals. I thought I needed to send IR to something that converts them to RF. Cool one less thing to buy.

So I guess I just really need the plug-in lamp modules. I also assume that the remote is not necessary for X-10 since the MX-500 can do codes 1-9 and I only planning on have 3-4 items.

What about if I wanted to program 2-3 scenes? What other equipment would be necessary for that.

Thanks for the prompt response

Post 4 made on Wednesday January 21, 2004 at 16:45
Senior Member
September 2002
On 01/21/04 13:51, Fish Fry said...
I didn't realize that X-10 worked off of IR signals.
I thought I needed to send IR to something that
converts them to RF. Cool one less thing to buy.

The remote sends IR to the IR543 which applies it to the powerline at the zero crossing point.

For scenes you'll need a controller like the PHC02.

More details on X10 operation look here:

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