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X10 & Ceiling fan + light
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Post 1 made on Thursday December 18, 2003 at 23:43
Lurking Member
December 2003
I've got a decent little X10 system setup (though, now after lurking the forum and finding out about smart "Scene" modules, i'm about to give Bill a call and go on a upgrade spree) and it's working fine for the most part.

What I really want more than anything is some type of inline 2 device module. IE, a module that can take a single 120v input and "split" it out to 2 controllable channels.

Basically what I'm getting at is, I have a ceiling fan with a light. I would like to install a module inside the housing, ouput 1 going to the fan motor, output 2 going to the light. Thus output 1 would be device x and output 2 would be device y. Then I can selectively control the fan and light independent of each other.

Make sense?

Any thoughts?
Post 2 made on Sunday December 21, 2003 at 11:26
Founding Member
December 2001
I have never seen a module like that, but if you can get to the wiring (say through an attic) you could use 2 inline modules, just make sure the one for the fan is simple on/off and does not dim. You could also add wall switch's which you give you control from 2 places. If you had no other choice or if X-10 was not that important, you can get remote control kits for about $20.00 from loews of homedepot which would give you full diming lights, on and off for fan plus speed contols, the pitfall is they work on RF remotes so you will have to use only the supplied control.
Post 3 made on Sunday December 21, 2003 at 16:37
Founding Member
December 2001
You might be able to use a socket rocket for the light if your bulb is small enough to clear the shrouding after it is screwed into it. Or you can cut in a larger box (or additional box) in the ceiing above/near the fan to contain the extra fixture module.
Post 4 made on Monday December 22, 2003 at 16:04
Long Time Member
November 2003
I agree. I think you're best method would be to use the in-line modules but you should make sure that you put them somewhere that you can access them in the future if nedded.

[email protected]

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