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x-10 working intermittenly
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Post 1 made on Tuesday December 2, 2003 at 12:50
Long Time Member
September 2003
I just bought the activehome packet and have installed some lamp modules. I am having a problem with one lamp module. It works fine with the remote but intermittenly with the activehome software. Sometimes it works from the software but most of the time it doesn't. Any ideas of why this is happening. Will one of the 15 amp noise filters help with this problem.


Post 2 made on Monday December 8, 2003 at 23:26
Long Time Member
November 2003
Don't spend money on the noise filters yet.

Have you tried it in other outlets?

Is your transceiver plugged into the same area as the lamp module? As the computer?

It's probably something else causing the problem.

[email protected]
Post 3 made on Tuesday January 6, 2004 at 22:28
Lurking Member
January 2004
Note: I realized that I should start a new thread, which I've done, so please excuse my ignorance and ignore this posting.

I'm also a "newbie" or considering I'm an old retired "geezer", maybe an "oldbie". Only way I know to post is to jump in altho I don't have any answers, just questions.
I've had an X-10 system in my home for almost 20 years and it worked fine until I started replacing incandesent bulbs with fluorescent screw-in bulbs. My system uses a very old control unit called "The Timer" to control various exterior and interior lights. I've been told that my problems are all because of the fluorescent lights but I have some exterior fluorescents that are switching on & off every day just fine, as I programmed them. I also have a remote switch that I used inside but it no longer works at all (w/ new batteries). When I press "1" position on & off I can hear the relay click in the receiving unit plugg into a wall outlet.
Does any one have any comments or suggestions about how I can get my system working again? Thanks much.

This message was edited by glennev on 01/12/04 17:52.

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