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RTI System Recovery
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Post 1 made on Wednesday September 18, 2024 at 08:08
New Member
September 2024
Hi Guys

New to RTI, Lots of Crestron, Control4, URC, and Savant. We have a takeover job from a company no longer servicing our area and working on doing a system recovery since I don't have a file, which i've gotten all the pieces and parts but not the remotes, they transfer but don't show up in my workspace, any ideas? System is about 9 years old, with a XP-6 processor, about 8 RP-1, 3 RK-1, 8 T2-CS+ and 1 T2x. I have integration designer 9, was the oldest version on the website. I have classes setup for training but haven't went yet and for the life of me can't find an answer to this. Do I have to recreate the UI's? I wouldn't think so. Greatly appreciate any help on this.

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