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Testers Needed for Kaleidescape iPad UI
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Post 1 made on Monday June 24, 2024 at 18:55
Senior Member
June 2004
Send me a PM (or email) if you are interested in testing an all new Kaleidescape UI for the iPad resolution. The file is pretty small in size, so I can send it as an attachment through Facebook if needed. This will be an exclusive template add-on, and I can port it over to the other resolutions pretty quickly once the file is perfect.

Thanks for any help on this. I also updated the Spectre UX residential templates page to show screenshots of all the current free add-ons if you would like to check them out. I have several more in the works. Android TV / Amazon Fire / Google, MyQ, RATGDO, Tesla, Sensibo, Big Ass Fans, and more. I will be asking for some help on testing those as well.







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