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Weather driver not accepting Australian locations?
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Post 1 made on Friday April 26, 2024 at 20:58
Lurking Member
August 2017
Using weather driver v2.12, when I configure the 'Set Location' in the Integration Designer to a city in Australia (Eg., "Gold Coast, Australia" or "Melbourne, AU" or "Sydney, AU"), it returns the location name, but no weather data at all.
But if I set location to a US city postcode (eg., "55379"), it correctly returns all weather data for Shakopee, MN.

Does anyone know how to correctly configure Australian city locations to be able to return all the weather data?

Or is someone else able to test a 'set location' command to a city in Australia - ie., Gold Coast, AU, to see if it works for you? I'm wondering if perhaps the format may have changed in the latest driver version?

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by marlon_s on April 29, 2024 00:19.

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