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New Template - Spectre for Integration Designer 11
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Post 1 made on Sunday November 6, 2022 at 14:00
Senior Member
June 2004
Introducing Spectre for Integration Designer 11. I changed quite a few things with this template design, like the inclusion of pages for cameras, gates / garages, all virtual lighting / shades, pool & spa, audio matrix, RTI Music, and a few others, instead of adding them later as an exclusive download. There is also a brand new, optional SimpleUI front end for all resolutions, and a new pricing model as well.

I completely re-engineered all of the iPhone and iPad templates so they scale for all devices without and gaps, overlaps, or spaces between buttons. Conversion to Android and resizing of the iPhone templates works flawlessly with the new design. All of the widescreen panels from the 7 series all the way to to the KA11 have an identical layout as well. This makes it easier to have a seamless experience across all touch panels.

I added an XP-8V 1920 x 1080 UI to Spectre, which is free for everyone, and it contains some pretty cool "overview" layouts such Lutron Virtual lighting, climate, simple MS-3 controls, and I also created a built-in dynamic background selector via the amazing (and free) Layer Switch driver. The GIF below gives you a quick animation of how it works, and the download link is on the new Spectre page.

You can check it out here: [url][Link:][/url]/

Quick note: I am in the middle of re-designing the website, so a few pages may have the older layout. I should be completely finished in a few days.



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