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RTI Software for non dealers?
This thread has 84 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 30.
Post 16 made on Thursday August 23, 2007 at 13:33
Select Member
May 2003
No, I wont install your plasma with an orange extension cord hanging down the wall.
Post 17 made on Friday August 24, 2007 at 14:41
Long Time Member
May 2007
Notice you don't see RTI products getting whored out on EBAY and AMAZON or through "special" online dealers/custom installers.
I'm surprised some jerk is not trying to sell the software online.

I have an inherent belief that dealers will band together and keep this product line solid and self-policed. In this scenario, you are the bad guy trying to cheat them.
If you get it then you will torrent it.
Support Your Local Dealer.
Stop Buying From the Online Guy and Ebay.
Post 18 made on Friday August 24, 2007 at 16:13
RC Moderator
May 2002
RTI watches the sales of product on ebay, remote central, avsforum and other areas.

There are a few that get sold on the sites but are still looked into if possible.

There have been a few sites with the software listed for download and were asked to remove it
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far.
Post 19 made on Saturday August 25, 2007 at 13:09
Founding Member
August 2001
I knew the answer to this question before i decided to go RTI, and have no expectation of getting the software.

However, i was wondering if a T2-c can have any resale value if i want to change it out in the future?

Can an authorized dealer buy it, or are they prohibited?
Post 20 made on Saturday August 25, 2007 at 23:43
Long Time Member
July 2003
You can only sell it to people who have the exact same equipment as you, hooked up exactly the same way.
Post 21 made on Sunday August 26, 2007 at 00:54
Senior Member
November 2004
On August 25, 2007 at 13:09, robster1958 said...
However, i was wondering if a T2-c can have any resale
value if i want to change it out in the future?

Part of the answer is in your next question, I personally wouldn't have a problem with trading a remote, preferably up of course!

Can an authorized dealer buy it, or are they prohibited?

I haven't heard anything to the contrary, so I don't see why not.
Post 22 made on Sunday August 26, 2007 at 22:26
Advanced Member
November 2005
On August 25, 2007 at 23:43, jlegge said...
You can only sell it to people who have the exact same
equipment as you, hooked up exactly the same way.

Or you can trade it in to the dealer you originally bought it from and have them reprogram and sell it to someone else.

Or you can sell it to a neighbor and give them the dealer's name so they can pay them to reprogram it.

I think you have lots of options, but thanks for being positive about the whole thing.

Last edited by tschulte on August 27, 2007 18:15.
Just my opinion, I could be wrong.
Post 23 made on Sunday August 26, 2007 at 22:37
Long Time Member
July 2003

I forgot the "sarcasm /sarcasm" enclosures.
Post 24 made on Monday August 27, 2007 at 18:40
Founding Member
March 2002
On August 26, 2007 at 22:26, tschulte said...
Or you can trade it in to the dealer you originally bought
it from and have them reprogram and sell it to someone

Or you can sell it to a neighbor and give them the dealer's
name so they can pay them to reprogram it.

I think you have lots of options, but thanks for being
positive about the whole thing.

It's my understanding that you can't "resell" new product. I don't believe there is an issue with selling a used one... especially a few years from now.

Last edited by AndyM on August 28, 2007 12:50.
Post 25 made on Thursday November 15, 2007 at 17:47
Lurking Member
November 2007
On August 24, 2007 at 14:41, Joe-CI said...
Notice you don't see RTI products getting whored out on
EBAY and AMAZON or through "special" online dealers/custom
I'm surprised some jerk is not trying to sell the software

It would be illegal to sell the copyrighted software online (for profit), but it'd be nice if were available to end users. And what do you mean "whored out" on eBay? Do you mean sold in a capitalist market, at prices that the market drives? Are you a socialist or something? Why do you have something against people who want to shop for a better deal? When you go buy a new car do you pay the MSRP on the sticker? (If you answer "yes" to buying a car at MSRP, I'm sure everyone here will doubt the validity of such a bombastic statement).

I have an inherent belief that dealers will band together
and keep this product line solid and self-policed. In
this scenario, you are the bad guy trying to cheat them.
If you get it then you will torrent it.

You mean dealers will band together to keep the pricing FIXED and CONTROLLED? Price fixing is illegal. Everyone seems to forget that the "S" in MSRP stands for "suggested", as in Manufacturer's SUGGESTED retail price. Everywhere you shop for these remotes, the price is exactly the same. I think people have a right to program and use the end-products as they see fit. "Self-Policed"?? What kind of obfuscated rhretoric is that? How is the product line "self-policed" if it's the DEALERS who are doing the policing? Isn't it "dealer-policed" then? Also, we're talking about software to program the remotes that you have to purchase; the software is useless to people without RTI remotes, and only DIYs are going to want it.

I agree with mobyick about pesci's "plumber analogy". Many DIYs don't need a plumber to replace a toliet, or other repairs. I was quoted $1430 by a PLUMBER to replace a water heater with a new one and new supply hoses. I went to Home Depot and bought the water heater and ALL the additional parts (even higer quality that what the plumber was going to use) for a total of $620!! It took me an hour to install, and the city (San Diego) came and picked up my old water heater. Can you say "price gouging"?

And JoeyCes: No offense, but I don't want to call a "custom programmer" ever time I want to change my remote around either. I'm a busy executive, and I don't have the time to wait on someone else to program what I can easily do myself, nor do I want any contractor in my house, or have to arrange to be there during their working hours. Again, no offense, but I'm probably a much more capable programmer than many (not all) A/V installers. If I want to change the colors of my touch screen for each of the holidays, or display a special message on the remote for a dinner party I certain don't want to call an "installer" each time to do this. How long will it be before that installer gets tired of doing this "free programming" and wants to bill me for every change?

For some of us A/V enthusiasts who are very capable and knowledgeable it is extremely impractical to not be able to program our own remotes when and how we'd like.

Post 26 made on Thursday November 15, 2007 at 19:06
RC Moderator
May 2002
On November 15, 2007 at 17:47, vitoasaro said...
No offense, but I don't want to call a "custom
programmer" ever time I want to change my remote around
either. I'm a busy executive, and I don't have the time
to wait on someone else to program what I can easily do
myself, nor do I want any contractor in my house, or have
to arrange to be there during their working hours. Again,
no offense, but I'm probably a much more capable programmer
than many (not all) A/V installers. If I want to change
the colors of my touch screen for each of the holidays,
or display a special message on the remote for a dinner
party I certain don't want to call an "installer" each
time to do this. How long will it be before that installer
gets tired of doing this "free programming" and wants
to bill me for every change?

For some of us A/V enthusiasts who are very capable and
knowledgeable it is extremely impractical to not be able
to program our own remotes when and how we'd like.

That is why there are companies like URC that sell remotes to the DIY guys like yourself. RTI is a Brand thats not for retail sale or DIY programming. Im sure your capable of programming it but The software is protected and is for dealers only. Crestron, AMX, Control 4, and others are the same way. There is Nevo thats available to the AV enthusiest as well. Also there is Pronto and Harmony.
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far.
Post 27 made on Thursday November 15, 2007 at 19:12
One In A Million
May 2004
none taken......

Thats just the way it is!
Post 28 made on Wednesday November 21, 2007 at 23:44
Senior Member
June 2004
Gotta love the software threads.
Post 29 made on Wednesday December 5, 2007 at 16:47
Lurking Member
December 2007
Setting a fixed price on one particular product is NOT price fixing. By your argument Wendy's is price fixing with their dollar menu (the food is sold to you by a franchisee, not Wendy's) since all Wendy's charge 99 cents for a double stacker. Price fixing is when RTI, URC, Pronto and Logitech get together and set prices on roughly equivalent remotes.

If dealers can't make money selling remotes, they will not sell them. The end customers are NOT RTI's customers. The dealers are.

Disclosure: I work for an RTI dealer.
Post 30 made on Wednesday December 5, 2007 at 17:49
Long Time Member
July 2005
I agree with mobyick about pesci's "plumber analogy".
Many DIYs don't need a plumber to replace a toliet, or
other repairs. I was quoted $1430 by a PLUMBER to replace
a water heater with a new one and new supply hoses. I
went to Home Depot and bought the water heater and ALL
the additional parts (even higer quality that what the
plumber was going to use) for a total of $620!! It took
me an hour to install, and the city (San Diego) came and
picked up my old water heater. Can you say "price gouging"?

It cost you $620.00 to do the plumbing job, but you don't have to pay for insurance, trip charges, workmans comp, wages,advertising, license fees,401K, sales and use tax and need I forget just a little bit of profit margin.

But I forgot, you busy executives work for free!
No need for profit in the business world you live in? I bet as soon as your division doesn't make plan, heads will roll. Get off of your hollier than thou horse.. Plumbers, Doctors, Lawyers and even remote programmers all need and deserve to get paid for their time. Not many people work for free.

Hats off to you for saving some money, but don't accuse anyone of price gouging who is trying to make an honest living.
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