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BSR EQ14-14R Equalizer Remote
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Post 1 made on Tuesday March 24, 2020 at 11:32
Lurking Member
March 2020
I gave my grandson the above unit, had been my husband's.
I do not know if it ever had a remote control but couldn't locate one.
Now looking to find one to give him for the unit. Any ideas as to where I could
locate such an item?
Post 2 made on Wednesday March 25, 2020 at 22:30
Elite Member
April 2002
Equalizer usually do not come with remote controls. BSR was brand found DAK catalogs in the 1980's.
Post 3 made on Saturday March 28, 2020 at 13:04
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
That model did have a remote control but it may have been an option and didn't necessarily come with it.
No idea where you could find the remote or codes for that unit.

More important however. Do you have the calibration microphone for it. THAT would make the unit worth something. Without that, it is just a 14 band EQ. And honestly, that is pretty useless.

I always hated people that bought EQs for their systems back in the 80s. The only thing they were good for, was to "screw up" the sound. Everyone making smiley faces on the front controls. Well a bass & treble control can do that.
It was ONLY if you had an RTA, would a graphic EQ 'actually' be useful and not detrimental to the audio system. And that BSR EQ14-14R had an RTA built into it with the included (or optional) calibrated microphone.

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