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Sony X950G and Onkyo TX-NR616 arc mixed up 5.1 output channels
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Post 1 made on Sunday December 8, 2019 at 16:55
Long Time Member
December 2008
Just hooked up Sony 55" X950G to Onkyo TX-NR616 using ARC. Enabled HDMI and ARC on Onkyo. Paired with TV.
No problem pairing, but audio comes out the wrong speakers of Bose Lifestyle 15, 5.1 system!
Even tried switching each speaker wire at rear of receiver to correct the order, and the system somehow keeps it at the incorrect channels.
Right front speaker has LF output, Center has RF, LF is at Center, RR and LR flipped.
Tried pairing numerous times. Updated all firmware. WTF?
Post 2 made on Wednesday December 11, 2019 at 14:51
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
So... when you perform the Onkyo's built-in calibration or test tone, does everything come out the speakers it says its testing?

What audio format is the Onkyo receiving (like, what it says its receiving, not what the TV says its sending)? Is it Dolby Digital or DTS? If so, the decoding should be done inside the Onkyo which should make what you're experiencing impossible.

What sources is this happening from? Just TV apps sending audio over ARC? Do you have any other devices hooked up, and if so, how?

If the TV is sending LPCM, there could be some kind of incompatibility, ie. its sending a 7.1 signal and your receiver is trying to decode it as 5.1 or something.

Does the TX-NR616 support eARC? Do you have enhanced HDMI support on or off on the TV?
OP | Post 3 made on Saturday December 14, 2019 at 19:46
Long Time Member
December 2008

Thanks for the different perspectives.

Have the tv hooked to Onkyo receiver through ARC (not compatible with eARC). The blue-ray dvd player is hooked into the receiver directly

Ran a calibration test again and the speaker output was mixed up even though the wiring was correct.

Rewired the speaker inputs into the receiver to correct the mixed up output. Ran another calibration test and suddenly the outputs were correct.
Audio was coming out of the correct speakers even though those speakers were connected to the receiver ports that were incorrect!

After the re-calibration all is working normally. Must be some miscommunication between the new Sony x950G and older model Onkyo tx-nr616.
Post 4 made on Wednesday December 18, 2019 at 11:35
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
Very weird! I have an X950G set myself, but not yet hooked up to anything. I've just been hooking up an X850G to a system this week, and ARC is always a bit quirky, but does work.

Do make sure the TV has the latest firmware. And the Onkyo if it has that ability.

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