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Innovage JUMBO Remote Control Help PLEASE!
This thread has 57 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 30.
Post 16 made on Thursday May 24, 2007 at 16:52
Lurking Member
May 2007
The last three posters... Please check you're emails. :)
Post 17 made on Tuesday June 12, 2007 at 16:10
Lurking Member
June 2007
I bought my elderly mother an Innovage Jumbo for Mother's Day ... I can't seem to program her MAGNOVOX 27MS3455 TV. I've even been trough the auto system and nothing seems to work. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.
Post 18 made on Monday June 18, 2007 at 01:20
Lurking Member
June 2007
Brookstone/OSIM-branded product with manual pdf download available...


Hope this helps!
Post 19 made on Monday June 18, 2007 at 17:10
Lurking Member
June 2007
You must hold the Code Search button down for 3 seconds (or until lite stays on) push the button for which ever device you want to program and then enter the appropriate code. If the code is good the light will go off. If it's a bad code it will flash. after each code try to turn off the device (oh yea turn on device prior to stating) you must start from the beginning for each code.The TV codes for Toshiba are as follows. 013,049,089,105,109,117,118,120,159,178

good luck
William A. Ekins
Post 20 made on Wednesday June 20, 2007 at 20:39
Lurking Member
June 2007
does anybody know what codes to use for the direct tv ,im in columbia ,s.c. and the codes that came with it do not work,can anybody helpthanks.
Post 21 made on Sunday June 24, 2007 at 17:22
Lurking Member
June 2007
I have the manual scanned as a pdf file if anyone is interested. Send an email to [email protected] with "Innovage" in the subject line, and I'll be glad to send you a copy. This is my only post, so please let others know about the manual. I had no luck trying to find info from the mfg. Also, if anyone knows how I might program my Samsung TiVo (Directv), please advise. Thanks.
Post 22 made on Wednesday October 17, 2007 at 00:45
Lurking Member
October 2007
Automatic Programming
With automatic programming, the remote control tests all the codes available
on the Code List and assigns the correct code for the selected device.
Although this method can be more time-consuming, it eliminates the need to
look up codes and enter them manually.
1. T urn off the device with which you want to use the remote control.
2. Press and hold the corresponding button on the remote control
(TV, VCR, SAT, DVD, CAB or AUD) until POWER INDICATOR illuminates. The
remote control is in programming mode.

Press and release powerbotton. The POWER INDICATOR flashes once and stays on
indicating the unit is in Power Scan mode.
4. Press CHANNELl up or CHANNEll down repeatedly until the device turns on.
5. When the device turns on, press OK to store the code.
• To exit without storing the code, press BACK.
• T he unit will search for the next code or the previous code if you press
CHANNELL up or CHANNELL down after the device turns on. (go slow you need to press ok when the tv turns on) if you mess up tun tv off and start over.
6. Press any other button. If the device responds, the remote control has been
programmed. If the device does not respond, repeat steps 2-5.

Here is the complete manuel in a pdf its from Brookstone I hope it helps you ALL. iT TOOK FOREVER TO FIND THIS INFO


for this info I only ask you to say thanks! [email protected]
Post 23 made on Wednesday October 17, 2007 at 18:10
Lurking Member
October 2007
I just got this remote and need code for a VIZIO tv, and a MOTOROLA cable box. Can anyone help, please? Thank you!
Post 24 made on Sunday November 4, 2007 at 08:06
Lurking Member
November 2007
On October 17, 2007 at 18:10, lropp said...
I just got this remote and need code for a VIZIO tv,
and a MOTOROLA cable box. Can anyone help, please? Thank
Post 25 made on Sunday November 4, 2007 at 08:08
Lurking Member
November 2007
I am trying to get code for Motorola cable boxes(comcast) also. does anyone have them?
Post 26 made on Sunday November 4, 2007 at 11:51
Lurking Member
November 2007
Your work is appreciated PokerPimp, and maybe I'm missing something here but this forum is for the Innovage Jumbo (Universal) remote. You've posted a link to the Brookstone remote which does not have the code search button etc. Holding a device button such as Cable, TV etc does nothing on the Innovage.
Also if you're looking for the manual for the Innovage Jumbo, it can be found on this site at [Link:]
That said, anybody using the Innovage needs to understand that only the codes listed in the manual will work. The remote rejects codes that are not in the manual and/or not associated with the particular function (Cable, TV, VCR etc) as it is programmed internally to do so. Your only hope is to run the "Code search setting" and find one that sorta works. I have a LOOK wireless (like a Sat receiver but uses microwave) box which is not listed in the manual but was able to find a code that works under the "SAT" function.

Now my question. Has anyone tried to use the "Code retrieval" function. In my instruction sheet the instructions for retrieval are essentially the same as for the "Code Input Setting" function so they don't work. Has anyone managed to retrieve a code.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Last edited by tubturner on November 4, 2007 12:40.
John A.
Post 27 made on Sunday November 4, 2007 at 21:52
Mr. Stanley
Elite Member
January 2006
See my earlier post to the other Innovage guy...

Toshiba Codes: 013 049 089 105 109 117 118 120 159 178
"If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger."
Frank Lloyd Wright
Post 28 made on Thursday November 8, 2007 at 21:32
Lurking Member
November 2007
On November 4, 2007 at 11:51, tubturner said...
Your work is appreciated PokerPimp, and maybe I'm missing
something here but this forum is for the Innovage Jumbo
(Universal) remote. You've posted a link to the Brookstone
remote which does not have the code search button etc.
Holding a device button such as Cable, TV etc does nothing
on the Innovage.
Also if you're looking for the manual for the Innovage
Jumbo, it can be found on this site at [Link:]
That said, anybody using the Innovage needs to understand
that only the codes listed in the manual will work. The
remote rejects codes that are not in the manual and/or
not associated with the particular function (Cable, TV,
VCR etc) as it is programmed internally to do so. Your
only hope is to run the "Code search setting" and find
one that sorta works. I have a LOOK wireless (like a Sat
receiver but uses microwave) box which is not listed in
the manual but was able to find a code that works under
the "SAT" function.

Thanks so much! I just bought two of the Jumbo Remotes offered by, and while the TiVo code in the Brookstone manual did not work, the one in the Innovage manual did! Yay! The kids will have trouble losing *this* remote! Much obliged. {ProfJonathan}
Post 29 made on Tuesday November 20, 2007 at 22:41
Lurking Member
November 2007
I have just bought a jumbo innovage universal today and i can't get my toshibaHD-A2 dvd player to progrom does anyone have codes if so thx email me at [email protected]
Post 30 made on Monday November 26, 2007 at 13:28
Lurking Member
November 2007
On February 16, 2007 at 13:44, alex_macneill said...
hi there! can u possibly tell me what the codes are for
a Phillips VCR/DVD player? Thanks!!

Alex dide you obtian the the phillips codes for your model?
John Rogers aviculturlist
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