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[Take Control] Take Control-Device List
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Post 1 made on Saturday February 13, 1999 at 14:09
Historic Forum Post
Does anyone know if HK will be updating the list of device codes included with the TC? In reviewing the review I scanned the list and found no devices from B&K. Although I understnd that you can "learn" the functions 1 at a time it seems that you get a cleaner, better designed layout if the codes are part of the PC-based installation process. Is there an outside source for these codes like I see posted in the Pronto forum?


OP | Post 2 made on Tuesday February 16, 1999 at 17:29
Historic Forum Post
Thad, where did you find the TC device list? I want to check if my Onkyo receiver is out there.

OP | Post 3 made on Tuesday February 16, 1999 at 18:35
Daniel Tonks
Historic Forum Post
There's no list of actual devices (models) but there is a list of what brands of television, receivers, cable boxes, etc., etc. are built in. It's available on this site, under the review of the Take Control... click here for a link to the page; scroll down for the list.
OP | Post 4 made on Tuesday February 16, 1999 at 18:42
Daniel Tonks
Historic Forum Post
Speaking of which, there's a few really strange devices that the Take Control has built-in. I haven't figured them out, but when exactly did "Paramount Pictures" and "Harley Davidson" get into consumer electronics? :)
OP | Post 5 made on Wednesday February 17, 1999 at 10:35
Historic Forum Post
In my conversation with Madrigal Tech support about the serial number. I asked about additonal codes.

Dave, tech support person, informed that in the next couple of weeks they will be sending CDs with more codes to the dealers. You will have to bring your remote into the dealer and they would be able to update the remote. Since I live in Louisiana and I purchased my remote in Atlanta, I guess that option is out for me.

Currrently I have all my components on the remote without any problems with range, software, or anything else. I really like the remote.


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