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[Take Control] Full Review of the Madrigal/IRIQ Coming Soon
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Post 1 made on Wednesday December 2, 1998 at 08:40
Charles Ledbetter
Historic Forum Post

I'm currently writing a full review of the IRIQ for I should have it done in a couple of days. The review will officially be posted there but I may be able to put a copy of it here as well.

At any rate, there's a thread running over there with lots of info regarding the IRIQ.

For some background: I do not work for Microsoft or Madrigal. I'm a H/T nut with a great relationship with my local Madrigal dealer. I was on the list to receive one of the first IRIQs and I've had it about a week now. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.


OP | Post 2 made on Wednesday December 2, 1998 at 12:45
Historic Forum Post

Lucky you! Can you give us a very brief summary (i.e. do you like it?)


OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday December 2, 1998 at 14:39
Charles Ledbetter
Historic Forum Post

Yea, I do like it. A change as fundamental as a universal remote is going to take some getting used to, but I have no desire to take it back and put 5 remotes back on my coffee table.

Rather than repeat the thread, jump over to, go to the forum, and scroll down a few pages. You'll see a thread there titled "Review of the Madrigal/Microsoft IRIQ Remote." I need to have my full-length review done by the weekend and I'll publish it as soon as it's ready.


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