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Conversion of TSU-7000 PCF to TSU-3000?
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Post 1 made on Tuesday August 17, 2004 at 20:39
Long Time Member
June 2004
Does anyone know how to convert a TSU-7000 PCF file into a format that the TSU-3000 can use?

I want to take all the work I did for my TSU-7000 and map it over to my older TSU-3000 so I can use it with my system upstairs and have a similar look and feel (more wife friendly). If I can't at least map over the basic structure and then clean up the graphics, I'll basically have to start from scratch.
Post 2 made on Tuesday August 17, 2004 at 21:33
Advanced Member
January 2003
Here is a partial post that answers the question:

These are the changes I Made
These values in ConfigEdit.xml

Right at the top:
!--written by ProntoProEdit NG--
!--written by ProntoEdit NG--

ConfigurationFile Mode="ADVANCED" Version = "3"
ConfigurationFile Mode="ADVANCED" Version = "2"

The Heading for the strings section:
Strings xml:space="preserve"

In the Roots section:
And change these comments in winrar or winzip
Type: 007
Type: 003

Version: 003.00
Version: 002.00

This worked for me. All I wanted from it were IR codes so I didn't even look at the graphics and how they converted. Good luck
Too many toys, too little time.
OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday August 18, 2004 at 08:03
Long Time Member
June 2004
Thanks! I'll give it a shot and see if it works. I'm expecting I'll have to rework the graphics quite a bit, but at least all the structure, button placement, etc. should be intact.
Post 4 made on Friday August 20, 2004 at 04:09
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
I *THINK* that changing the zip comment should be enough to get it to load...
OP | Post 5 made on Friday August 20, 2004 at 20:15
Long Time Member
June 2004

You are right that just changing the ZIP comment field will allow it to load into the TSU-3000 editor. However, the spacing of all the icons, buttons, and panels gets really screwed up. It looks like everything defaults to location 0,0.

Obviously, this does no good since the location of everything is the most important aspect of converting over.

By following jcl's proceedures, I was able to successfully pull the file back over. The editor gets a bit confused with colors, which causes transparency problems. I would suggest that anyone doing this first convert the graphics to grayscale (I used the batch function in Photoshop to automate this), and them punch it over to the TSU-3000 editor. I also manually changed all the transparency coding of all the graphics to Upper Left Corner in the Config.xml file to avoid the the Alpha references for the TSU-7000 (it will default to No Transparency instead, which can cause a lot of touch up work).

Doing this still required a bit of touch up work, mostly with the graphics and transparencies, but I was able to get it worked out in a couple of days versus starting from scratch.
Post 6 made on Saturday August 21, 2004 at 21:52
Long Time Member
November 2002
The change to the "Strings section" is no longer needed. I sent these steps prior to the 3000 having the text position options. The text position will be preserved if you leave it.
Scott Harris
Post 7 made on Tuesday August 24, 2004 at 01:15
Long Time Member
February 2003
On 08/21/04 00:15 ET, spunkydog said...
You are right that just changing the ZIP comment
field will allow it to load into the TSU-3000
editor. However, the spacing of all the icons,
buttons, and panels gets really screwed up. It
looks like everything defaults to location 0,0.

Looks like you have a old version of PENG. Try the latest one v2.0.6 at the philips pronto site.

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