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Altice One Discrete Codes
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Topic: | Altice One Discrete Codes This thread has 5 replies. Displaying all posts. |
Post 1 made on Sunday March 18, 2018 at 09:34 |
RMSko Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | December 2003 142 |
Does anyone where I can get the discrete codes for the new Optimum Altice One remote?
Post 2 made on Wednesday March 21, 2018 at 18:16 |
Lyndel McGee RC Moderator |
Joined: Posts: | August 2001 13,082 |
From the site, I see this...
Voice Activated Remote Bluetooth-enabled remote allows you to use voice commands to tune to a channel and find shows, plus get search results on actors, movies, your favorite sports and more.
Which makes me wonder if it even does real Infrared commands, nevermind discrete codes.
Lyndel McGee Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
Post 3 made on Sunday December 2, 2018 at 11:31 |
Sharon901 Lurking Member |
Joined: Posts: | January 2018 6 |
Hi, does anyone know where to get the discrete codes for the new altice one remote from optimum?
Post 4 made on Friday December 7, 2018 at 18:27 |
Lyndel McGee RC Moderator |
Joined: Posts: | August 2001 13,082 |
Is this a bluetooth remote or is it an Infrared remote? Does the Altice one have an Infrared Receiver eye on it?
Lyndel McGee Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
Post 5 made on Wednesday September 11, 2019 at 20:23 |
Sharon901 Lurking Member |
Joined: Posts: | January 2018 6 |
Hi, the altice apparently is Bluetooth. I am trying to set the volume and the mute for the URC to sync with the altice cable box. Does anyone know how to do this if the altice remote is Bluetooth?
Post 6 made on Friday September 13, 2019 at 18:33 |
Lyndel McGee RC Moderator |
Joined: Posts: | August 2001 13,082 |
If the URC remote does not support Bluetooth and Altice does not support IR, then the answer is likely no.
Do you have a contact for URC support?
Lyndel McGee Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
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