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Sony STR-DN the "Amp" button hex code required please
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Post 1 made on Sunday February 25, 2018 at 09:56
Chris Frost
Long Time Member
January 2003
Hello all,
I am in need of an IR code for the "Amp" button from any STR-DN series remote, please.

Long story short; a lost remote and can't set up the receiver for a new source without first pressing the "Amp" button before invoking the Menu command.

I've searched IRDB Global Cache but they don't list it. They have almost every other command bar this one. I have looked through the downloadable config and discrete Hex files here but so far come up with zilch. This is rather frustrating.

Would anyone here with a Sony STR-DN remote mind learning the Hex command and posting it please? Failing that, it's a trip in to the city to find a stockist and see if I can get a direct learn, but that's half a day's travel.

Many thanks in anticipation :)

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