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Newbie question
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Post 1 made on Monday December 1, 2014 at 15:03
Dave Durant
Lurking Member
November 2014

I've got a newish Samsung TV and a lovely old Denon AVR-2800 amp and I'm trying to set them up on Smart Remote ([Link:]).

I've got most things working fine but I'm short of a couple of buttons for the amp (TV/DBS and Output).

I've found this old post ([Link:]) which lists all the "device codes" and "button codes" for the AVR-2800 but I don't know how to use those to get the Pronto Hex codes that Smart Remote uses.

Can you let me know how I can translate from one to another or whether there's an IR app for Android that uses device / button codes that will support both the old Denon and the new Samsung.

Many thanks.

David Durant
Post 2 made on Monday December 1, 2014 at 15:24
Long Time Member
September 2002

This is not the right forum for this question. This forum is only for Philips Pronto remotes, so there is no knowledge base for the Smart Remote program.
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity
Post 3 made on Monday December 1, 2014 at 20:40
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
If Pronto Hex format is what you need for the Denon, download this file and use the codes in the spreadsheet.

I believe that most of them will work for you.

Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
OP | Post 4 made on Wednesday December 3, 2014 at 20:43
Dave Durant
Lurking Member
November 2014
Apologies for cross-posting. When I posted in "everything else" I was recommended to post in both areas.

Thanks for posting the link to the Denon spreadsheet. Unfortunately it doesn't have the Pronto hex codes for the specifc buttons I need ("TV/DBS" and "Output").

The post I previously linked to (here : [Link:]) contains "device code" and "button code" entries to both of those but I don't know how to get from those values to the hex values I need.

Apologies if I'm posting in the wrong section of the forum for this. If there's a more applicable area please let me know.

Post 5 made on Wednesday December 3, 2014 at 22:02
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
These are from a Denon Spreadsheet that I have filed away...

These should be in the spreadsheet under different function names.

Sharp Device 2 Function 200 is DBS (Sometimes known as Sat/CBL) for Main Zone

0000 006D 0000 0020 000A 001E 000A 0046 000A 001E 000A 001E 000A 001E 000A 001E 000A 001E 000A 001E 000A 0046 000A 001E 000A 001E 000A 0046 000A 0046 000A 001E 000A 001E 000A 0679 000A 001E 000A 0046 000A 001E 000A 001E 000A 001E 000A 0046 000A 0046 000A 0046 000A 001E 000A 0046 000A 0046 000A 001E 000A 001E 000A 0046 000A 0046 000A 0679

Sharp Device 2 Function 201 is TV for Main Zone

0000 006D 0000 0020 000A 001E 000A 0046 000A 001E 000A 001E 000A 001E 000A 0046 000A 001E 000A 001E 000A 0046 000A 001E 000A 001E 000A 0046 000A 0046 000A 001E 000A 001E 000A 0679 000A 001E 000A 0046 000A 001E 000A 001E 000A 001E 000A 001E 000A 0046 000A 0046 000A 001E 000A 0046 000A 0046 000A 001E 000A 001E 000A 0046 000A 0046 000A 0679
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
Post 6 made on Wednesday December 3, 2014 at 22:58
Select Member
August 2009
I already answered in a different thread, with the actual conversions of the codes linked above.

One of the problems with cross posting is not all of the OPs are monitored.....
Post 7 made on Thursday December 4, 2014 at 04:33
RC Moderator
August 2001
My apologies for all the confusion chaps, but in my defence I did suggest one or other of the Pronto forums.

I should, perhaps, also have thought of the One For All & Radio Shack forum, but I fear senility/brain rot is creeping in - too many fumes from cleaning products (elderly dogs, with elderly dog problems).

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