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[Solved]Windows 8.1 64 Bit Pronto RU990 USB
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Post 1 made on Friday May 23, 2014 at 12:53
Long Time Member
July 2002

I have just migrated to Windows 8.1 64 bit and although there seem to be several threads about Vista & Windows 7 I cannot find a solution that works for this configuration.

I can install and run ProntoEdit without issue but obviously the USB drivers do not work.

As windows 8.1 now uses Hyper-V for virtualisation I to see if I could an XP virtual machine to connect but have been unsuccessful.

I also tried using VirtualBox (using a Win7 32bit image) and although I seem to be able to select the pronto USB device to pass through the virtual machine refuses to register it.

So I am left with having to keep my old XP machine hanging around (and taking up space) purely to program my Pronto's.

Anyone got a solution that would enable me to program via my new machine, be it natively or virtual.



Last edited by baz8755 on May 24, 2014 11:09.
Post 2 made on Friday May 23, 2014 at 13:57
Long Time Member
October 2003
I can't speak to Windows 8.1, but I have Windows 7 64-bit and have found success using VMware Player with Windows XP (32-bit) as the guest OS. I imagine you could also use Windows 7 32-bit as the guest, but I haven't tried that under VMware (it does work stand-alone on 32-bit hardware). I have successfully used both PENG and PPENG, with TSU-3000 and TSU 7000/7500. One must install the editor with the docking station/remote disconnected. After connecting the remote, the USB port will be recognized. I don't know what TSU (US) model is equivalent to the RU990 -- you might have to search for and install a USB driver, as you would have to do for the 7000/7500.
OP | Post 3 made on Saturday May 24, 2014 at 11:08
Long Time Member
July 2002

Thanks for your help, that works a treat.

I have now installed VMPlayer and have a VM with ProntoEdit installed which I use to send configurations to my Pronto's. I still edit on my host machine and simply point the VM at a shared folder with the PCF when I need to send.

I had given up hope as I had tried several virtual host programs and didn't think to try VMPlayer.



Last edited by baz8755 on May 25, 2014 05:56.
Post 4 made on Saturday May 31, 2014 at 11:07
Founding Member
December 2001
Just to add to this. I have installed vmplayer, then XP and PPENG successfully on both Windows 7 and windows 8, and enabled the USB connection, so I have been able to dump my old XP box which was starting to die on me!

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