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foxtel remote
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Post 1 made on Saturday April 28, 2007 at 19:33
Laurie Bunker
Long Time Member
November 2006
any aussie members help please. pronto pro will not learn some foxtel functions but will learn others it will not learn ''planner'' record or setup any help will be greatly appreciated .thanks.
Post 2 made on Sunday April 29, 2007 at 02:55
Select Member
May 2005

I agree, the Foxtel codes were a real bitch to learn. Copy and paste the codes below into your buttons. They work fine.



0000 0072 0038 0004 000F 000A 0006 000A 0006 0016 0006 000A 0006 0010 0006 0016 0006 0016 0006 000A 0006 000A 0006 000A 0006 0016 0006 0010 0006 0016 0006 001C 0006 001C 0006 0010 0006 000A 0006 0CCD 000F 000A 0006 000A 0006 0016 0006 000A 0006 0010 0006 0016 0006 0016 0006 000A 0006 000A 0006 000A 0006 0016 0006 0010 0006 0016 0006 001C 0006 001C 0006 0010 0006 000A 0006 0CCD 000F 000A 0006 000A 0006 0016 0006 000A 0006 0010 0006 0016 0006 0016 0006 000A 0006 000A 0006 000A 0006 0016 0006 0010 0006 0016 0006 001C 0006 001C 0006 0010 0006 000A 0006 0CCD 000F 000A 0006 000A 0006 0016 0006 000A 0006 0010 0006 0014


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I guarantee I'll tell you the truth and I guarantee I'll tell you what you need to know but I can't guarantee that I'll be telling you anything you want to hear.
OP | Post 3 made on Sunday April 29, 2007 at 03:45
Laurie Bunker
Long Time Member
November 2006
thank you very much the codes help a lot ,again thanks

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