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Touch Screen Disabled after converting CCF and downloading to TSU3000
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Post 1 made on Wednesday April 5, 2006 at 09:57
Lurking Member
April 2006
I downloaded my CCF from my TSU2000 checked it with ProntoEdit simulator and worked fine. Downloaded to ProntoNG and the touchscreen became imoperable. I am at the current firmware 3.9.8. Reinstalled firmware and went to calibration screen which it now stays in with calibration failing.

I downloaded this to my second TSU3000 and got the same problem. It appears that the CCF file corrupted the operating system.

Any suggestions - One unit is under warranty and the other is not (purchased second hand)

If you would like to disable your TSU3000 I would be glad to send you the CCF because this does NOT convert.

Dead with two pronto's
Post 2 made on Wednesday April 5, 2006 at 17:12
Peter Dewildt
Loyal Member
July 2001
To calibrate you need to use a very fine point like a bent paper clip. It often takes many times to get it to calibrate.

Corrupt CCFs can cause problems. Try stripping your CCF back as much as you can - all you need are the IR codes - then import it.
Pronto 1000 (retired), Pronto TSU7000, RFX6000 (retired)
Pronto 2xTSU9600, RFX9400
OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday April 5, 2006 at 21:06
Lurking Member
April 2006
I used a tooth pick and deleted the entire configuration that I had in the unit. Still no calibration.
Post 4 made on Thursday April 6, 2006 at 03:13
Long Time Member
October 2003
On April 5, 2006 at 09:57, jhise said...

I am at the current firmware 3.9.8. Reinstalled
firmware and went to calibration screen which
it now stays in with calibration failing.

Hate to be the bringer of bad news but I think you need to check this thread out:

This has been quite an issue with the TSU-3000. Philips was replacing them at one stage. I don't know what they are doing about this now.
"Die, my dear doctor! That's the last thing I shall do!"
-Lord Palmerston

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