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RF Remote for Tivo
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Post 1 made on Monday April 3, 2006 at 00:12
Founding Member
August 2001
Have a question for Pronto users. I will not be using my pronto for this but thought I'd ask for help. I have an LCD TV I want to install above a closet. (9ft ceiling). I want to put the Tivo inside the closet on a shelf. I could leave the closet doors open to operate the Tivo, but what if I want to close the closet doors and still be able to operate the Tivo. Is there a setup and remote I could use? Do not want to use my pronto for this. Just want to be able to operate the tivo inside the closet. Any help would be appreciated.

Post 2 made on Monday April 3, 2006 at 09:20
Ernie Bornn-Gilman
Yes, That Ernie!
December 2001
Why is this a question for Pronto users? You are not talking about anything having to do with a Pronto. You might do better to go to a more general forum (Custom Installers) and ask this, because anyone might have the answer. Hey, maybe even me:

Sounds like you are one more guy who has realized that the peanut remote (I hope that's what you have) is about the best remote out there in terms of learning to use it without looking. I have a couple of clients who have TiVo commands on Prontoid units, but I can't imagine how they like that.

I say I hope you have the peanut because I find the new white remote, which DirecTV is supplying to people with dead peanuts, is not as easy to operate as the peanut.

To the subject: I haven't looked for this for a while, but there was a thing called a PowerMid that is worth looking into. It consisted of two pyramids; one had an IR receiver and an RF transmitter, and was placed in the room with the remote control; the other had an RF receiver and IR emitter, and was placed in the room with the unit to be controlled. Voila, a two-piece RF system.

This has appeared under names other than PowerMid for a few years now, and was sold through Radio Shack. I don't know if it is still available. I would want to ask your eventual source if they know how long it will be available, because as many as half of the ones I dealt with failed within a year or two. They only cost about $50, and I heard of some being exchanged even after a year, but it is an issue for you to research.

Perhaps you could install an IR system. That means you have an IR receiver in the room with the remote, wires to the TiVo area, and a power supply and IR emitter at the TiVo. You don't specifically say why you want RF; it could be that you have assumed that RF is the way to go.
A good answer is easier with a clear question giving the make and model of everything.
"The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." -- G. “Bernie” Shaw
OP | Post 3 made on Monday April 3, 2006 at 22:57
Founding Member
August 2001
I realize the question had nothing to do with a pronto. I have had a few issues before with my Pronto TSU7000 and received great help here. People are very knowlegable and I wasn't sure what other forum to go to so I just though I'd ask Pronto users, who are generally quite knowlegable about a lot of things.

You could have kept your sarcasm if you didn't want to answer the question. I was just looking for help and thought a pronto user would be quite knowlegable. I hope there would be forgiving soles for me asking this question in this forum.

I did state why I was looking into RF. I will hang an LCD TV above the closet and I want to put my Tivo on a shelf inside the closet and still be able to operate it with the closet door closed. If it's any consolation everything in the room right now is operated by my pronto. But the pronto is IR and I'm looking for something inexpensive but appropriate.

Just the same, thanks for all your help.
Post 4 made on Monday April 3, 2006 at 23:15
Peter Dewildt
Loyal Member
July 2001
I would actually get the RF Extender and use it with your Pronto 7000.
Pronto 1000 (retired), Pronto TSU7000, RFX6000 (retired)
Pronto 2xTSU9600, RFX9400
Post 5 made on Tuesday April 4, 2006 at 00:19
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
If you are NOT using a Pronto, how about a Xantec 291 IR kit? You can find em on Ebay all the time relatively cheap.
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester

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