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1-handed Operation?
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Post 1 made on Friday March 31, 2006 at 04:23
Barry Miller
Long Time Member
March 2006
Hello All,

I'm in the market for my first remote and have narrowed it down to the 7000 series or the Nevo SL. I've read some comments about how friendly the Nevo is to the one-handed crowd.

And it would seem that the 7000/7500 is not. But yet in this forum I've read some suggestions that this just isn't the case.

So, just what is everyone's opinion about the one-handed operation of the 7000/7500 anyway?

Let's face it- there are lots of us that just want to lean back in the couch and pick up the remote off the coffee table with one hand and start flipping channels or press the mute button to hear the wife talk (yes, I have one of those kinds of marriages. But if the Pronto requires 2-handed operation, all that may come to an end)!

Thanks in advance,
Barry Miller
Post 2 made on Friday March 31, 2006 at 05:14
Long Time Member
December 2005

I have a TSU 7000, and I have to say that it's possible to use it one handed, though not easy. I find I can use the channel, volume and mute buttons easily as they are positioned down the RH side of the remote. The buttons on the screen are harder, and I can reach the right hand side of the screen just about, but it's hard to support the remote and press the buttons with the one hand. I generally just leave it on the arm of the sofa and press the buttons there.

Hope this helps.

Post 3 made on Friday March 31, 2006 at 05:56
Super Member
May 2002
You can use a Nevo with one hand.... reach way back and throw it out the window!
Post 4 made on Friday March 31, 2006 at 13:37
Select Member
March 2004
With the exception of the fixed backlight (which I never use), page up, and page down buttons, I find all other hard buttons very accessible and comfortable to use via one hand operation. The key is to use your right hand to hold the remote while positioning your pinky finger along the bottom edge to keep the remote anchored in your hand. This positioning is very comfortable for me. I then use my thumb to operate the hard buttons. For LCD operation I also use one hand much of the time, though I prefer using my left hand. One handed operation of the LCD screen simply involves shifting the remote up a bit in my hand while moving my pinky finger to the back side of the remote. In this position the upper right quadrant, and lower quadrants of the screen are very easy to access for me. The upper left quadrant still requires use of my left hand however, though I've never had a problem needing my left hand for LCD operation. The upper left quadrant of my configuration file is also a place I don't need to access much.

All that being said, I think it's important to point out that the configuration file itself plays a crucial role in how comfortable the remote is to use with one hand. If a given configuration file is not maximized for use of the hard buttons you can hardly blame the remote for being so LCD dependent. In my mind the LCD screen should be mainly used for choosing components/activities, selecting channel icons/DVD titles/Music titles, storing any functions under a given component used the least, and for displaying any needed information via graphics and text, but accessed when at all possible via hard buttons. This is the approach I've taken with my configuration file which is why I characterize my TSU7000 as the best hard button, and LCD type remote I've ever owned. There is also one last way of operating the remote we must not overlook. This would be the hands off approach. More times than not I just keep the remote sitting on the coffee table in front of me or on the couch cushion next to me to operate it. At my work area I just keep it in the cradle which sits just in front of my keyboard. So when it comes right down to it the remote just doesn't need to be held much of the time to operate it anyway. At least this is the case for me. More importantly, it can still be operated comfortably this way. This is only possible due to the size, shape, and weight of the remote. It's not too large to operate with one hand, but also not too small to operate with 2 hands. Coupled with the weight of the remote it's also very easy to operate while not even holding on to it.

Last edited by Lowpro on March 31, 2006 15:28.
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Post 5 made on Saturday April 1, 2006 at 21:21
Mr. RemoteQuest
February 2002
Quite a variety of responses here. I see Barry has several posts going, about the similat topics, so the data is spread out all over the place. I like the Pronto and we sell a lot of them. It is a good remote.

As far as one-handed operation goes, it is just too wide and clunky, to be a one-handed remote. Regardless of what my friends here say about one-handed remote, it is NOT a one handed remote, unless you are a pianist.

Dave D'Arche
Fine Home Theater Remote Controls & Solutions - Programming services for most remotes
Post 6 made on Saturday April 1, 2006 at 23:29
Select Member
March 2004
On April 1, 2006 at 21:21, ddarche said...
As far as one-handed operation goes, it is just
too wide and clunky, to be a one-handed remote.
Regardless of what my friends here say about
one-handed remote, it is NOT a one handed remote,
unless you are a pianist.


I am a pianist! Go figure. :-P Guess that explains it. :-)
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Post 7 made on Saturday April 1, 2006 at 23:34
Founding Member
November 2001
There are trade offs...........

A one hander to scroll thru the TV guide? Or something so beautiful it actually competes for your attention (complete with ful color TV station logos)?

Something that turns on all your equipment. Or a control that shows you color thumbnails of 1500 movies and CD covers on a great big screen?

Most of who use the 7000 or 7500 easily traded the size issue (if there actually is one) for ultimate color customization and shear size of memory (7000 / 32mg & 7500 48mg).
Post 8 made on Sunday April 2, 2006 at 08:43
Select Member
January 2004
I don't have a problem with the 7000 as a one handed remote. I am sure it depends heavily on how big your hand is though. My wife couldn't use it one handed. She said she holds it with one hand and pushes buttons with the other. We both agree though that it's definitely worth it... I WOULD like to hear Springs elaborate on the NEVO comment above. I haven't heard much about them, except the hype before they came out. Are they not good? Sorry, don't mean to hijack the thread.
It's not just a hobby, it's an obsession...
Post 9 made on Sunday April 2, 2006 at 17:01
Peter Dewildt
Loyal Member
July 2001
I use mine one handed (actually one fingered) most of the time. Mine sits on a table next to my lounge chair or on the coffee table in front. When I use it, I don't pick it up - just touch it to activate then touch the button I want to use.
Pronto 1000 (retired), Pronto TSU7000, RFX6000 (retired)
Pronto 2xTSU9600, RFX9400
Post 10 made on Sunday April 2, 2006 at 18:51
Ultimate Member
May 2001
ike Peter a lot of one handed and one fingered and not looking on the remote. Then again mine is the original 1000 so don't know if it helps or not. I think part of it is to realize

1) make big buttons ( easier to find while not paying as much attention)

2) don't over crowed stuff. I am sure if I had small buttons at the farthest corners I could not use it one handed
OP | Post 11 made on Monday April 3, 2006 at 07:42
Barry Miller
Long Time Member
March 2006

All, thank you for some great discussion!

Ddarche and everyone else... I don't mean to spread this discussion across a bunch of different threads and forums. I posted this thread because I hoped to focus the discussion strictly on the one-handed operability issue. In my other thread (repeated in both the Pronto & Nevo forums IOT solicit 2 unique perspectives) I hoped to focus the discussion strictly on the capabilities of the "guts" of the unit, putting aside everything else. And buttons and programming have already been discussed thoroughly in many other threads. I find by having a thread for each major discussion area, it enables greater focus.

Why am I focusing this thread on the 1-handed operation? I think it’s a feature that's inherently characteristic of a remote. I'm not lazy by any means, but what's the ultimate purpose of a remote? To NOT have to get up from the couch, correct? And when I'm in a posture where it's not convenient to get up, it usually means I'm either leaning back or lying down. In either case, it's so much easier to simply flop my free arm onto the coffee table, pick-up the remote, and start pushin' buttons.

If everything discussed in the other threads points to the Pronto being the best choice, then I will adapt my one-handed approach. But until then I was curious what you all thought, and you have done an excellent job sharing your thoughts.

Thank you!

Barry Miller
Post 12 made on Monday April 3, 2006 at 09:20
Ernie Bornn-Gilman
Yes, That Ernie!
December 2001
Just what are you guys watching, anyway?
A good answer is easier with a clear question giving the make and model of everything.
"The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." -- G. “Bernie” Shaw
Post 13 made on Monday April 3, 2006 at 14:01
Mr. RemoteQuest
February 2002
LowPro - LMAO...Are you a pianist for real??? heheee

Dave D'Arche
Fine Home Theater Remote Controls & Solutions - Programming services for most remotes
Post 14 made on Monday April 3, 2006 at 21:23
Select Member
March 2004
On April 3, 2006 at 14:01, ddarche said...
LowPro - LMAO...Are you a pianist for real???


Yes I am! Probably why I can also type a billion words a minute. :-)
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