On March 25, 2006 at 03:11, richardstrudwick said...
I assume that instead of a delay you could also
take an action and display the stages of a progress
bar between them.
There are countless examples of this I am sure in the files section. I follow this same practice as well. When tapping any activity based button in my PCF you are first taken to a page asking if you want to power on the equipment for said activity. If said equipment is already powered on you just choose no and are taken to the main page for said activity after all the proper source selects are queued up. If you choose yes you are taken to a page asking if my projector needs powered on as well. When choosing yes or no to that prompt the macro begins to run sending all the needed power on and source select codes. There are page jumps to my loading pages in the macro as well of course showing you the progress of the macro while you wait.
An example of one of my activity based macros is show below.
[Jump] Please Wait ... 1
[Delay] 4 second(s)
[Jump] Please Wait ... 2
[Link] IR code button
[Delay] 1 second(s)
[Jump] Please Wait ... 3
[Link] IR code button
[Delay] 1 second(s)
[Jump] Please Wait ...4
[Link] IR code button
[Delay] 1 second(s)
[Jump] Please Wait ... 5
[Link] IR code button
[Delay] 1 second(s)
[Jump] Please Wait ... 6
[Link] IR code button
[Delay] 1 second(s)
[Jump] Please Wait ... 7
[Delay] 4 second(s)
[Jump] Main page for given activity.
The first action list item as seen above is a jump to my first loading page followed by a delay of 4 seconds. The 4 second delay is placed there so the user has enough time to read the screen prior to any IR codes being sent. If they are using IR output versus RF they will need to make sure and point the remote accordingly before the first IR code is sent. The bottom area of my "Please Wait..." pages 1-6 state, "Keep remote pointed toward equipment if using IR output". Also take note that I have another 4 second delay just after the last loading page. This again gives the user time to read the page which states that the macro sequence has completed, and that they are proceeding to the particular activity based device.
Each of my activities have macros like this which run if you choose to power on the equipment for said activity. The macros can be found under my
"Device Activities (Protocol)" device. The actual loading pages can be found under my
"Device Activities (Please Wait...)" device. To see my setup first hand feel free to download my PCF available via the link below in my signature area. The "Please Wait..." graphic I'm using was taken from Daniel Tonks TSU7000 PCF by the way. For purposes of my PCF I've converted this graphic to a bitmap with a black background. The original "Please Wait..." graphic is a transparent PNG file which can be placed seamlessly on any background you wish. Daniel's TSU7000 PCF can be found in the files section.
Last edited by Lowpro on February 14, 2012 21:58.