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ProntoNG Ru980/ Force 516 decoder
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Post 1 made on Tuesday March 14, 2006 at 05:41
Lurking Member
March 2006
Can anyone help me with a problem I am having regarding programming. All devices operate successfully bar one.This is a Force 516 satelite decoder, something strange happens with the PENG program once the hex codes have been learnt by the pronto.
When you assign codes to buttons etc the decoder does not respond to the commands. I tried repeating this proceedure but to no avail.
I trawled the forums of remote central .com to find some nice chap had listed all the hex codes reference button operation, and yes in fact the force decoder does have some learning difficulties with regard to the pronto.
After cutting and pasting all the relevant codes and assigning them all's well, apart from the channel up and down function jumps two channels at a time. I have tried adding a delay to see if this helps, it didn't. The hard buttons also jump up two channels so it's not a screen pressing issue. I'm really scratching my head with this one.
Post 2 made on Tuesday March 14, 2006 at 14:53
Peter Dewildt
Loyal Member
July 2001
Post the codes for channel up and down and someone might be able to tell what is wrong with them.
Pronto 1000 (retired), Pronto TSU7000, RFX6000 (retired)
Pronto 2xTSU9600, RFX9400
OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday March 15, 2006 at 04:06
Lurking Member
March 2006
Here are the codes that I have used for channel up /down
00 0D = CH+
0000 006C 0012 0012 0008 001D 0008 005B 0008 001D 0008 006B 0008 0032 0008 0032 0008 001D 0008 0060 0008 021B 0008 001D 0008 002D 0008 001D 0008 001D 0008 001D 0008 001D 0008 001D 0008 0060 0008 0C20 0008 001D 0008 005B 0008 001D 0008 006B 0008 0032 0008 0032 0008 001D 0008 0060 0008 021B 0008 001D 0008 0056 0008 0047 0008 001D 0008 001D 0008 001D 0008 001D 0008 0060 0008 0C20
00 0E = CH-
0000 006C 0012 0012 0008 001D 0008 005B 0008 001D 0008 006B 0008 0032 0008 0032 0008 001D 0008 0060 0008 021B 0008 001D 0008 0028 0008 001D 0008 001D 0008 001D 0008 001D 0008 001D 0008 0066 0008 0C20 0008 001D 0008 005B 0008 001D 0008 006B 0008 0032 0008 0032 0008 001D 0008 0060 0008 021B 0008 001D 0008 0051 0008 0047 0008 001D 0008 001D 0008 001D 0008 001D 0008 0066 0008 0C20
Post 4 made on Monday April 3, 2006 at 08:36
Lurking Member
April 2006
Try reducing the length of time that the IR signal is sent. it could be that the signal is being read as being pressed twice.



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