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TSU700 with X10 RR501 Transiever
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Post 1 made on Sunday March 12, 2006 at 17:02
Lurking Member
March 2006
My apologies if this is answered somewhere else but I have searched and searched (for weeks) and found nothing. If there is another thread that addresses this, any link to it would be greatly appreciated.

My question is, can I use the TSU7000 with my existing X10 RR501 Transeiver or can it only work with the Philips RF Extender? I'm not trying to hide my components (at the moment but just want to use the TSU7000 to control my lights as well as my audio/video components.

I am aware of the ir543 and ir543ah but before buying one of those, I wanted to make sure I couldn't use the TSU7000 and my existing X10 RR501 natively to control my X10 Devices (since one is an RF transmitter and the other an RF receiver).

My RR501 is set on housecode A and 'unit' 1 (the RR501 just has a unit swtich for 1 or 9). I have set a new device to use Channel 1 and Extender ID A. Am I missing something or does it really require the puchase of an IR controller such as the IR543?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Post 2 made on Sunday March 12, 2006 at 17:54
Advanced Member
January 2003
The pronto cannot talk to x10 without the IR543 or IR543AH. There are some exceptions but these are rare. Do yourself a favor and buy the IR543 or IR543AH. You will have to aim the pronto at the IR543 (or AH) for it to work.
Too many toys, too little time.
OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday March 15, 2006 at 21:46
Lurking Member
March 2006
Thanks so much for your reply. I have ordered the IR543AH. I really don't want to have to aim my pronto at it since I want to be able to be in different rooms and be able to control my lighting. Is the pronto rf extender the way to go or are there better options to control the IR543AH without line of sight or do I really need to buy several of these IR543AH's?

THanks again.

Post 4 made on Thursday March 16, 2006 at 15:59
Advanced Member
January 2003
The RF extender should work out well for you. Be sure to get the newer RFX6500, the old version (RFX6000) didn't work very well in some situations.
Too many toys, too little time.
OP | Post 5 made on Saturday March 25, 2006 at 20:33
Lurking Member
March 2006
Thanks JCL for all your help. I am now already using the IR543AH and it's been great and am now going to order the RFX6500 on your advice. Thanks again for all your assistance.

I see that the new RFX6500 comes in 2 pieces. Does this receiver also receive traditional IR signals from the ProntPro and other remotes and trasmit them as well? What I'm concerned with is , if I have traditional remotes (say my Tivo remote or my iPronto or even my ProntoPro in IR mode), will I no longer be able to use those remotes at IR transmitters since both the receiver and blaster are hidden in a closet some where? I'm ok with having the transmitter visible so that is the only piece visible if it can receive traditional IR signals from my other remotes as well. Is the separate receiver only to reduce signal interference by being able to position itself and the antenna or does it also receive IR signals? Also, I'm assuming the RFX6500 works with the ProntPro NG 7000

Sorry for all the questions but I can't even read a 'straight' answer on Philips online manual about this.

Thanks again.


Last edited by albri on March 25, 2006 21:46.

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