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Codefree for Pioneer DV 989
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Post 1 made on Monday February 27, 2006 at 06:55
Lurking Member
February 2006
in the www I found a zip file containing a ccf file with a code that is supposed to turn my DVD-Player Pioneer DV 989 into a CODEFREE device.
However, I am afraid I did something wrong, since transmitting the code did not turn it into codefree.
This is what I did:
I imported the ccf file into PENG and copied the code connected to the button "0" into a extra button in my standard configuration, downloaded it to my TSU 3000 and finally pressed the asign button. The player went into standby, as writen in the instruction (see below). However, when I check the region code in the setup menu it is still displayed as RC 2.
Anyone an idea what I did wrong.

Here the original instructions:
"Upload this CCF into your remote device and perform these steps to upgrade your your player into a multi-region one.

1. Switch player on.
2. Make sure tray is empty and closed and no disc inside.
3. Point remote and push button "0" once.
4. The player will then go into standby.
5. Leave it for about 45 secs and switch player back on.
6. 989 is now multi-region compatible."

Thanks in advance
Post 2 made on Monday February 27, 2006 at 08:12
Long Time Member
July 2004
Have you checked to see if it will run a Disc from a different region? The number reported on screen may be misleading.

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