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FIOS Motorola QIP6416
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Post 1 made on Sunday February 26, 2006 at 01:21
Lurking Member
February 2004
I just got FIOS and the DVR is a Motorola QIP6416. All of my devices are working fine but when I use the remote from Verizon to "learn" my buttons on my TSU3000 they do not work. I have never had a device that would not program so I am wondering if it's something with the box itself. I have tried to use codes from a 6412 but they do not work either - any help would GREATLY be appreciated.

Post 2 made on Monday February 27, 2006 at 19:28
Select Member
March 2004
I'd suggest to first make sure you have the latest firmware installed for your TSU3000 and are using the latest editor. I'd then suggest that you experiment with the IR duration settings for your IR codes. The default IR duration may be the problem.

(See this post for instructions on how to adjust the IR durations for each IR code.)

You could also post a couple of the IR codes as examples. There are people here who know how to read them, and could perhaps be of assistance.
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