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version of Daniels top item in tsu7000
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Topic: | version of Daniels top item in tsu7000 This thread has 7 replies. Displaying all posts. |
Post 1 made on Saturday February 25, 2006 at 11:36 |
larry0605 Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | September 2002 37 |
I am using Daniel's tsu 7000 pcf as a starting point. Everything is there but a GUI image of a top item that says 'Master Bedroom' rather than 'South Bedroom' . Everything else is there but I do not own Photoshop nor do I intend to buy it or learn how to use it to get One button. I am very apprcative of what Daniel has done and would not have bought the 7500 unless it had been there(OK I am a shameless user). I realize daniel has a south bedroom, however I don't. This is a minor point, but when I proudly show off my new remote I don't want someone to ask "where is the South Bedroom". Unless daniel can make one or someone already has then I guess I am stuck with South. Any and all help will be appreciated. thanks
Larry Prince |
Post 2 made on Saturday February 25, 2006 at 12:11 |
Check your e-mail. It's not Daniel's font exactly, but it's close, and it might work.
Post 3 made on Saturday February 25, 2006 at 13:03 |
Acutally I just found out which font he used, and loaded it. I am sending you one with his font in use, so this should look perfect.
Post 4 made on Saturday February 25, 2006 at 20:39 |
Daniel Tonks Wrangler of Remotes |
Joined: Posts: | October 1998 28,785 |
Yeah, it's plain text with a slight drop shadow so it shouldn't be too hard to duplicate. I considered including a bunch of different names, but figured the list would be neverending! :-)
Post 5 made on Sunday February 26, 2006 at 11:25 |
jrubin Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | February 2003 37 |
Post 6 made on Sunday February 26, 2006 at 12:09 |
Lyndel McGee RC Moderator |
Joined: Posts: | August 2001 13,086 |
Search this forum for +Swiss in last 2 years, I know it's a Swiss font but not sure which one.
Lyndel McGee Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
Post 7 made on Sunday February 26, 2006 at 21:48 |
jrubin Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | February 2003 37 |
Looks like it's Swiss721...I'm trying to create some new top menu items in Photoshop but can't get the size/spacing right--any tips?
Post 8 made on Sunday February 26, 2006 at 23:23 |
Daniel Tonks Wrangler of Remotes |
Joined: Posts: | October 1998 28,785 |
Well, complicating things is that everything in my file was created as vector artwork. So I was able to compress text horizontally when a word didn't quite fit. :-)
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