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Philips support
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Post 1 made on Monday January 23, 2006 at 16:43
Long Time Member
December 2005
Hi Everyone,

Can someone tell me if this sounds right? I recently bought a TSU 7000 Refurb on Ebay from:

Everything went well except when I opened he package I see there is a large scratch on the screen. I called Philips support as directed and am told that the unit should not look that way after the refurb and that they are sorry....Here is their solution however.

1. I must pay for the shipping to Philips (That I am OK with and understand)
2. This repair is going to take 20 business days not including we are talking over a month.
3. My 90 Warranty Period already started and is being exhausted while Phillips has it at their shop...remember about a month. So now I am down to a 60 day warranty.

My question is....why cant Phillips send me another refurb unit and take this one back? If you went to the site, you saw that this site is obviously endorsed by Philips...or there is a hell of a lot of Trademark infringment going on here. You can even buy Philips extended warranties why wont Philips do the right thing and stop making the customer bear the burden of their poor workmanship on this refurb? not get me wrong. The Pronto is a wonderful product and This TSU-700 is my 3rd unit for my home and the first problem I have ever had (thought to be fair, this is my first refurb).

Has anyone out there had success having philips do a better job with a replacement item before? Do you know who I can call?
Thank you,
Post 2 made on Monday January 23, 2006 at 21:15
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
Why not contact the Ebay Seller and ask for an exchange? Let them deal with the issue?

Nevermind... Just read the auction. That return policy sucks.

I'd contact them at the 800 # and ask for expedited shipping. You will need to have a UPS tracking # before calling but they should be able to do a 2-way shipment. You will just be receiving another refurb so new vs refurb should not be an issue.

Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
OP | Post 3 made on Tuesday January 24, 2006 at 15:34
Long Time Member
December 2005
After letting my remote sit in the craddle for the night I have noticed that the battery didnt charge at all. Then this morning I took another battery I have, which I know works, and it didnt charge either. So obviously my product has 2 defects. Philips will not do anything other than have me ship the product back and force me to wait a month for them to repair it. I have asked... no, begged for a cross shipment and NOTHING. This is honestly the worst product support I have ever experienced. Philips should be ashamed.
Thank you,
Post 4 made on Monday January 30, 2006 at 13:24
George Pope
Founding Member
March 2002
Philips support is an myth. They have an 800 line manned by scripted operators. It takes at least 15 minutes to get to someone who knows what their doing. Once there, company policy is so restrictive, a solution in the customers best interest is second to company intrests.
I was an authorized service center for Philipos products with a 100% customer approval rating. Philips released us and every other servicer I know. Philips has one interest and one interest only. THE BOTTOM LINE.
I could see their attitude if they offered quality products, but, from my experiences, their consumer product line is Ka-Ka.
It's a good thing they have the Pronto Line.


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