On March 21, 2006 at 13:10, Timothy Morris said...
2. Use Daniel's layout and scheme but simplify
it so it is more appropriate for those of use
who don't need multi-room layouts and only have
about 5 devices. I've got a great home cinema,
but the component count is quite small.
Might be worth it for you to take a look at my PCF as well which is a combination of Daniel's TSU7000 and TSU3000 PCF's. I've basically recreated the top part of Daniel's TSU3000 interface to match the color scheme of his TSU7000 PCF while mirroring it to incoporate a fixed button on each side. This is a very functional setup for people with only 5 activity based devices and no need for multiple zones as you gain the fixed buttons up in the corners. I use the fixed button in the left corner to access my activities page which is also my home page. In the center I have my 5 activity based device icons. The fixed button in the right corner is used to access my lighting device. To check out my PCF just hit up the link in my signature area below.
Last edited by Lowpro
on March 28, 2006 11:05.