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OARC05G code for Yamaha RX-V520
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Post 1 made on Friday November 18, 2016 at 10:25
Lurking Member
November 2016
I have a OARC05G remote and a Yamaha RX-V520 receiver.
I've tried all the Yamaha codes from the manual and also the search function.
A couple do power, but not any of the other buttons.
Has anyone found a another code to work with this remote for the V520?

Have tried:
Amp: 30354
Receiver: 30176, 30186, 30376, 31176, 31276, 31131, 31375, 31376, 31476, 31815, 32061
Audio Accessory: 31809, 31810, 32021
Post 2 made on Saturday November 19, 2016 at 00:25
Select Member
August 2009
It isn't clear what functions you're looking for.  I can tell you that e.g. 30176 will run power toggle, volume, mute, etc.
Look at the last two pages of the service manual, and tell us which functions you want.  We can tell you how to manually program any functions which are missing from a setup code.

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